The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 39

Salvation Through BORN AGAIN a beautiful man. 4 The younger daughter was more beautiful like her father than elder daughter. Such beautiful daughters were not born to any- one. 5 They were very beautiful. They were noble in character like the daughters of Job. As the days passed by, they both grew like a beautiful and strong heifers of Bashan. 6 The elder daughter name is England. The younger daughter name is America. As the elder daughter England, was born she was washed with soap. She was cleaned with water and she wore clothes. 7 As made developed, she bec- ame big. She wore necklace. Her breasts were formed and her hair grew. 8 She wore the costly lined rai- ment. She wore the sandals ma- de with red skin. 9 She was adorned with much jewelry. And she became more beautiful than her father. She was made as a queen. 10 So she was ruling many pro- vinces and pagan countries like a great light 1 which governs the 1 Gen 1:16; 2 Prov 24:31. 62 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD . day She got a great name. 11 As the days passed by, she looked at hear beauty and felt proud about it. 12 A greedy man, who was pro- ud, had sowed an evil desire in hear mind. She left her beloved Lord. And she did prostitution with heathen bullocks who were passing by on the way. 13 So many heathen bullocks had leaped with her. She beca- me a barren who could not bear children. 14 She joined with bush of tares 2 which sent by the enemy. So she was ready for judgment. 15 God, who wears the eleme- nts as a linen cloth, says that if her rulers reigned her like Da- vid, Jehoshaphat and Josiah, I would have been glad” - this is the Word of God, the consuming fire CHAPTER 18 God Cautions to every party in the Country YET, Word of God, the consuming fire came to me in the morning on 14th of 12th month and said unto me about the political parties in the parliament of America like this - Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 2 “O political leaders in Ameri- can parliament, O political lead- ers called as Republicans, Demo- crats and the members of other parties! 3 God, the consuming fire who created all, gave food to every living being to quench the app- etite 1 and who is the source of the living of human beings, is ask- ing about you and your country like this, that is – 4 what you think about how your country should be? Do you think that your country should be great, excellent and as the head to all other countries in the worl- d? Or you think that this be the last and weakest country before the gentile countries? 5 You have entered the parliam- ent of your country on behalf of your people elected you to make your country great? I have cre- ated you in the womb of your mo- ther, delivered you in your coun- try and developed you to grow great. I also gave you every comfort to live happily. 6 I have created and sent you here, I gave you everything for your prosperity, but you forgot the word of your living God, the 1 Gen 1:16. 63 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD consuming fire and living God, and you spoiling the name and fame of your great country. 7 Is it right that the sins of Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah and Zeboiim of olden days are per- mitted in your country? Don’t you know that those countries are destroyed with my anger? You cannot find such countries now anywhere, what is the reason for this? Okay, keep this aside. 8 How the pure thoughts come in the mind of sinful man? Imm- oral mind delivers immoral tho- ughts. O political leaders, what did you do? You have introdu- ced sex education to destroy the lives of children and you are spoiling the future of young in My country. 9 Someone from you stands and pleads that - sex education is beneficiary and we have introd- uced this to make my children wise by knowing about different sex diseases and protect thems- elves from those diseases. 10 Alas, O political leaders, you wish them to be enlightened by this, but they are going towards destruction by the earthly kno-