The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 389

Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 498 who are well different doctors of different diseases on the earth who can do patches to the pots of clay are arrived there around the stretcher and they are exami- ning the patient”. 10 Then God, the consuming fire said, “what you are seeing in the proper direction. Because they are all the doctors on the earth and blind grazers or shepherds (political leaders), 11 and again I have been asked by the same Word of God to examine carefully the youth who is on the stretcher, the medical equipments on his body and his dress and every equipment arra- nged on his body very carefully. 12 Then I replied, yes my Lord God, you are one who can make the weak as strong, foolish as clever and fallen to stand up, I will do as per your order like that. 13 I have been observing very carefully the body of the youth who is on the stretcher, the dress he wore and the equipments arr- anged on his body. 14 I have observed and could recognize with the help of God’s Spirit. That young man was The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD wounded by some of his own people (the leaders and whom he believes his own) and also they stole all his valuable bles- sings, 15 they made wounds on his body and he has been left with- out any dress on his body, a hel- per going by that way saw him; had pity on him, took him on his shoulders and brought him to the hospital, 16 and put him on the stretcher, I came to know about this with the help of what the people aro- und there are speaking”. 17 “A cap in the operation the- ater has been put on the head of that young man and to his nose an oxygen mask that gives bre- ath of life (oxygen) is put. 18 A pulse Oxy Meter also has been arranged to know his pulse reading. The blood pressure re- ading machine also has been arranged. 19 A thermometer also has been put in his mouth to know the fever. A cardiac monitor to kn- ow the heart’s function and also liver and kidney equipments to know how the liver and urinal bladder is working, Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 499 20 and different equipments are also arranged to know the func- tions of different systems of hum- an body and all the honor doct- ors of different types of diseases are examining that youth with so many equipments they use in their profession arranged on his bo- dy– this is what I have understood by seeing the vision before me”. 21 When I was seeing them with more observation, I again heard the Word of God, the consuming fire like this – 22 “O , messenger of God, are you hearing what the doctors and the political leaders around the stretcher about that young man are saying? Did you hear that?” The Word of God, the consuming fire again asked me like this. 23 Then I have replied like this – O, God you are the counselor of who make rising divine thoughts, I have been hearing what they are speaking about the young man on the stretcher. 24 Then the Word of God, the consuming fire asked me- what are they saying? I have replied – it has been requested that the young man has to be saved by any way, so to examine every The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD system in the body of that young man, 25 the doctors have arranged the existing diagnostic equip- ments on his body and they are speaking about every the wor- king system now in his body - I have said this”. 26 Again the Word of God, the consuming fire asked me like this – “they speak like that and do all the examination they want to do and what they can do about that young man, you too obs- erve him and wait for my voice again carefully until the reports of the patient’s examinations come, I will speak to you again only after the reports come”. 27 “Then I said, O Prince of the hope, I understand your will about this servant of you and about that young man and what is your will, will happen compl- etely. 28 Let it happen as your wish, O, almighty God, my lord – I said. After that, up to ten days, I could not hear the Word of God, the consuming fire. 29 On the eleventh day, again, in the morning, Word of God, the consuming fire came to me