The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 383

Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 486 Isaiah - 10 in the day of your fast doing hard works by their and their chil- dren are used to lascivious life and 11 abandoned their spiritual (Sp- irit) salvation. 12 It is written about them that they - who is self indulgent is dead even while they live, 13 in another place it is written that - they are lovers of plea- sures more than lovers of God. 14 Do not the servants and wor- kers enter into the kingdom of heaven? 15 So the uncompassionate master would be judged without compassion. So I exhort you to avoid those deeds and preach them the gospel and do labor to take them to the new life expe- rience. 16 II O church, one among you reasons that Christ took part in the supper during the night time so it was said, 17 by Christ that you will do the same manner. So, the church is to take part in the Lord’s Table (Bread & wine) only during nights. 18 Another appeals that - The The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD Lord resurrected at the time of morning so that we have to par- ticipate the Lord’s Table in the morning only. 19 So he who reasons of morn- ing and of evening both must know that it is written by My au- thority and as a commandment 20 it is they must know - when God multiplied the nations of human beings on the earth; he created earthly differences they are - seasons, days and nights. 21 The situations of one conti- nent to another and for their sur- vival of various nations and con- ditions, I, which is, planed it. 22 I predestined to fulfill My will so that various nations in diff- erent continents. 23 The people in the beginning gathered in without knowing My will which says to be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth violated it, 24 they - pleased to stay in one place so as to fulfill the desire of satan. It is written that they said - come, let us build ourselves a city and a tower with its top in the heaven lest we be dispersed over the face of the whole earth and started work. Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 487 25 I am only almighty know their wicked thoughts, and foolish att- empts and make spread to hum- an races into every continent, 26 and scattered them and thou- ght they would worship Me. It is written - He has made from one blood every nation of men to dw- ell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their pre appoi- nted times and the boundaries of their habitation. 27 He is actually not far from each one of you. 28 I, whomever arranged the boundaries of habitations, fixed times also, and He who made di- versity in continents of the Africa, Antarctica, the Asia, the Europe, the America and the Australia variations in timings also, 29 he understand that I who made diversities in life styles in every living creature, I made also diversities in times. 30 The wise ancestors (men) revealed that twenty four hours as one day. Is not it? This is true. You are to understand that this is for the benefit of men. 31 Am not I revealed to Moses to offer their contributions, off- erings to Me on the day app- The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD ointed for whole congregation in the Old Testament? 32 You are to understand that the Lord’s Table is sign to the offerings in the Old Testament. 33 You understand through scriptures that - the whole con- gregation of Israel offered only during the day time of light. Ok, 34 as you consider twenty four hours a day before the time co- uld pass out let you offer to the God or take part in the Lord’s Table in a holy manner. 35 It is good and a blessing so as to the children to the elders to gather as a congregation dur- ing day time. 36 Likewise if it is not possible for anyone to participate in the morning (day time) they come take part in the Lord’s Table in the evening also on the day of resurrection and on every day of resurrection. 37 One asks he wants to work daytime on Sundays and to gat- her as church by evening. 38 Such person should under- stand that - the day of resurrec- tion is dedicated to Me, hono- ring it, not doing his own ways, not finding his own pleasure, not