The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 382

Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 484 ked power ruler satan are – the greed of the eyes, the greed of the body and the pride in the life, these are the weapons of his rule or reign. 29 The tongue of the people for drinking, the mind for smoking; the body for prostitution, lustful signs for adultery; the heart to show excessive life richness by showing extreme pride, cheating others for the earning, 30 the activities clubbed with quarrels and cinemas we see in the society, fights, using the mean language in anger; doing wicked and illegal things and also running after all the perishable things with the greed of the eyes – all these things are nothing but his wea- pons of his rule, is it not right?” 31 O judiciary courts, hear what God, the consuming fire is saying yet some more things. 32 Those are - “the political lea- ders can be either liars or drun- kards, either prostitutes or proud and doing murders, 33 either someone accusing the God, supporting injustice – does any law or constitution say this? 34 If at all, any constitution says like that, that will be definitely The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD related to the satan, don’t you recognize this? If the leaders are like that, will the people follo- wing such leaders keep quiet? They do more than their leaders. Is it not right? 35 Okay, keep this aside. Youth or the teens who are not more than barely eighteen, boys and girls are addicted to toxic drinks and wines; doing adultery and becoming illegal fathers and mothers of the children, being buried in the sinful pits, 36 don’t have the responsibility to save and make good their lives? Who will save them and make good their lives? You have to do this, is it not right? The youth are being caught by the sinful habits with the cinemas, drinks, smoking, prostitution, burglary, quarrels and pans or chewing tobacco and being che- ated by the bad habits, 37 while their lives are in the swelling or surging waves of sins, can’t you roar like the lion saving the children? O judiciary courts, are the children of youth not your children?” 38 “They are your children, there is no doubt. Don’t you feel Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 485 anything when your children of youth are going to destroy? Do you leave them to live without any values (any care)? 39 The greedy people to earn money easily put some sinful things in the public market and can’t you stop those sinful things and save your children? 40 You are punishing your children if they do some mistakes, but can’t you find out who are provoking them for doing these mistakes and who are provoking your children too to do these mis- takes and can’t you save all too who are prone to be cheated your children? 41 While the sons and daughters of youth are in the toxic trance and swinging, are it not right that the heart of God, the consuming fire is heavy and melting with weep? It will assuredly” - decl- ares God, the consuming fire CHAPTER 173 Exemplary Men Of God YET, God, the consuming fire says - Oh church! I have this ag- ainst you, that is - you are only to save souls (sinners) but not to devour, is not it? 2 Servants (Ministers) among The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD you say they want to have ser- vants who Abraham had, 3 And having them in their hou- ses and doing works by them for their luxurious lives than Me. 4 In Abrahams issue, I, the God said that - know that I chosen him, he will command his chi- ldren and his house hold after him, and they shall keep the way of the Lord, to do justice and righteousness, that he may bring upon Abraham that which has spoken of him. 5 Hence, O masters, who have servants like Abraham, are you explaining My works and deeds to them? Why are not you doing like that? 6 As it is written - according to this will the written scripture even the son of man came not to be ministered into, but to mi- nister, 7 and to give His life a ransom for many, go vain? 8 Those who claim to be minis- ters and their wives have serv- ants, not loving them out of the love of Christ, 9 hardened their hearts and oppress all your workers so as to fulfill the prophecy of prophet