The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 378

Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 476 and living like prostitutes and being caught by the sinful des- ires? 65 Do you make your daughters as the actresses for the sake of money that provokes vices and is it right that you do business with them for the sake of money? 66 What is the very mean prof- ession in the world? Don’t you know that acting is the only mean profession in this world? 67 You can select any better pro- fession than this action for your living with your children, isn’t it right? 68 Many fathers and mothers are treating their children as the business commodity, skilled chil- dren’s and by throwing them in the business of drama; they are trying to make money. 69 So o the parents with the hu- man values, ethics and justice in the society, all of you wake up and know the dreadful truth. 70 All of you should hear the Word of God, the consuming fire, so that you must leave that dreadful and mean profession of the satan, 71 and turn yourself towards God who will give you eternal The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD life forever, says God, the cons- uming fire that can burn all the five elements” – this is the Word of God, the consuming fire. 72 God, the consuming fire is also saying opened His mouth like this that is – “the sin is walk- ing in this world in the shape of different types of (different cine industrial names like holly wood) woods and whatever it may be, in the shape of the hypocrites (a- ctors). 73 Don’t let the time go waste; God, the consuming fire is saying that the anger of God, the cons- uming fire is about to land on all the types of the hypocrisy” – this is the Word of God, the cons- uming fire. 74 God, the consuming fire says – “if any capable person will come from cinema industry as a capable leader, he is a like first –ripe fig” – says God, the cons- uming fire CHAPTER 171 Saints in Politics GOD, the consuming fire says like this - Oh church! One among you asks Me, should not the saints enter the politics and one appointed as minister or pe- Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 477 ople’s leader? 2 Regarding saints appointed as a political leader? He who asks Me should understand that all au- thority is belongs to Me. 3 I gave Adam a part of My aut- hority. I blessed Adam in Eden in the beginning giving the earthly domino power over all the earth. 4 But satan who perceived My will, had stole My given authority through Eve from Adam in the form of serpent. 5 Satan grasped half of My all authority (of the world) by dec- eiving Adam and Eve. 6 Your lord came into this world in the form of Son of man to reg- ain that authority, 7 Satan perceived this and sho- wed JESUS all the kingdom of the world in a moment of time, His days after finishing of fasting said, 8 “all the authority of this world is delivered to me, so if you wor- ship me, all will be yours” but he failed in his attempt. 9 How shall it be delivered, unl- ess one is delivered it? As it is written this - you know that, the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but he came of him The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD who subjected it in hope. 10 He must understand first that, the first man Adam deliv- ered his authority to Satan. 11 Satan had stolen My given authority from the man by the Eve (woman). So, 12 You are understanding that My will to regain My authority by the last Eve (wo man represents the church). 13 It pleased I to reveal My alm- ighty authority, knowledge, ric- her, victory, glory in the gentiles, 14 And to establish My king- dom through church that is spot- less and without blemish, 15 and to reveal My all authority power, reign through the church to the kings, ministers, rulers of this world. 16 Therefore, I, am God- chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise, I chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong; I chose what is low and despised in the world, even things that are not, to bring to nothing things that are, 17 I, am making one by New Birth in Christ through the chu- rch and destroying satan power. 18 So you understand that the