The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 375

Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 470 keeping the cigarettes in betw- een the fingers for smoking; sho- wing the cigarettes flying in the air and landing on the lips by ta- king circles in the air as if creating a new fashion of smoking, 3 young men loving the grownup girls, as if encouraging them tow- ards the ways of taking the girls in their way and showing how the men can be murdered in the hands of some girls or beautiful women, 4 and showing how to use a wo- man, a girl or a prostitute for doing the plans he makes succ- essful; encouraging lust, anger, pride and enmity and thinking something that does not exist as existing one and making youth run in the imaginations without knowing the truth, 5 encouraging every mean and sinful thing clubbed with quarrels, saying that cinema viewing is for the sake of joy and peace – is not all this to spoil the human beings?” – This is what God, the consuming fire is asking. 6 Is peace or happiness really available by viewing the cine- mas? Those who are acting or actors, they do not have peace, The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD joy and that is why they are committing to suicides, how the viewers (audience) get peace?” – This is what God, the consu- ming fire is asking you. 7 What is happiness? - God is asking you. In this regard, God, the consuming fire is asking you – “what men do to fulfill the need of the spirit (or otherwise called as want of spirit) is to be called as a happiness. 8 But God, the consuming fire is saying like this – “whoever denies himself as the least one and accepts all his private and public sins, 9-10 and gets pardoned by Jesus, such person will get the peace of mind by God, the con- suming fire freely, without any efforts – this is what you have to know. So save the human bei- ngs from the bad effects falling on the society by the cinemas, 11 by saving so, to build a new society of the human beings, o the Parliaments and o the courts, get out of the toxic effect of the cinemas and wakeup. O courts do you know what is the defin- ition about Peace? In this rega- rds, written as – joy in the Holy Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 471 Spirit”. 12 What are the things that spoil the society? Those are - corru- ption, cinemas, drinking and the corrupted political leaders, the reasons for spoiling the society, is it not right? 13 Is there a single film where there is no vulgarism and obsc- enity? The films are filled with the titles we cannot even read, the words of silly laughter, cheating, the words giving wrong meanings and the deeds of the characterless people, 14 with the actions of suicides and killings and silly laughing scenes, the films are filled with them. What is there in the films except this? Is there any ordinary man who can say that I got ben- efit?” 15 Who are else benefited exc- ept those who are acting and inv- esting in the making of films? The- re are none than those working for the film making, is it not right? 16 So, o Parliaments, o Supreme Courts, o systems of politics, wipe away the actions, the cro- oked plan of the satan and which is against the human race, 17 root out the action that is The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD doing harm to the human beings, give the attention to the true inci- dents. Root out the imagination (action) which is the crooked plan of the satan” – this is the Word of God, the consuming fire. 18 God, the consuming fire is also saying like this – “O co- untries, o Parliaments, what type of statutes you are making? 19 Will you make the constit- utions encouraging the degra- ded profession of action as the livelihood? Will you make the constitutions so that women work in provoking film acting with very less clothes showing their boobs, thighs and all the sex appealing parts and 20 showing the men in any way as chewing the pans and pan- parags doing so many bad things, is it not shown in the films? Encouraging all the wic- ked things is seen in the films? Is it for this that God gave this very pious place of power?” 21 “O Parliaments, o courts, this issue which is being asked by God, the consuming fire, that is, the film industry so much degraded and depraved;