The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 372

Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 464 of the thinking of satan who thought that they can sell their body and have the pleasures more than God and have the ulti- mate comforts of the human life, and all the followers of this thinking of Satan have partic- ipated in this, isn’t it? How they gave their shows? Men had the dresses just covering around the- ir waist and covering barely their private parts and thighs etc, 25 women having just palm full of cloth in the name of dress on their boobs and private parts; having makeup on faces and jumping madly on the stages, didn’t they give the shows of the dramas? They gave shows, isn’t it? Aren’t all adulterors? 26 What has happened in Sod- om Gomorrah? This wretched industry developed and was made the prey for the furious jud- gment of God, the consuming fire and everyone including children and elders are destroyed comp- letely”. 27 “Is it right that a man takes the guise (dress) of a woman? Is it right that a woman takes the guise (dress) of a man? People like that are against the holy God, The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD the consuming fire, isn’t it right? It is. 28 Does any actress of cinema like to wear the dress full of her body? The production chiefs of the cinemas show the attraction of money to a whore or conc- ubine and ask her to act without sufficient dress or semi-nude on the film, and for money. She acts as asked by the production chi- efs, isn’t it? 29 Why the producers do like that? They want money, isn’t it? So, for earning more money; they are killing the humanistic values”. 30 “Is he not becoming the inst- rument in the hands of the satan to make the humanistic values destroyed and to make the sins encouraged? Yes, he is beco- ming, right? 31 What the films are prom- oting? The actor in the films is acting with two or three, or even more women, what is the reason for this? 32 Does it not encourage that a man can have personal relation with more than one woman and can do the prostitution, is it not the meaning conveying by this, Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 465 people thinking these shows take the meaning like this only, isn’t it right? 33 The actress acts with one actor after another actor. What does this convey? Does it not co- nvey the meaning to a common man that women can become ins- trument of play?” 34 “O Supreme Courts, O Parli- aments, why are you encouraging and making the street dramas in to a big industry? Is it not to spoil the people and ruin the family sys- tem? Isn’t it so? 35 Is there a single scene in the cinemas, showing a drama actr- ess who wears the clothes fully on her body; acting with one man and lives in a right way with pru- dent? 36 Nothing like that showing in cinemas, isn’t it? O politicians, street dramas are called cinemas. Did you think about this any time? 37 What was happening in street dramas in olden days? The act- ress of the drama and the actor applies colors to their faces and applies lipsticks to their lips, 38 and get some shining powder sprinkled on them, change three different dresses every moment, The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD jumping like the frogs, they used to spend time, isn’t it happ- ened?” 39 “Some races of the men used to live depending on that as profession, isn’t it happened? Did any honorable person in those days revered or honored (with titles) such persons? No, then what you were doing? 40 O political leaders, where is your place? Where is the place of the actors who take action as a profession? Are the actors great? Or are the political lea- ders great? Undoubtedly the leaders are great, isn’t it right? 41 The Actors change their cha- racters as per the need of the story, just for their living, but the leaders become the ideal ones for the people to live and make the people live. 42 Hypocrites or who do the actions(depending on the guise or role) live in the action for their belly’s, but the political leaders become so to make fill the peo- ples (stomach) happily or with- out any trouble. 43 The political leader takes the troubles of the people as his tro- ubles, but the hypocrites never