The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 364

Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 448 principles; so better advices help them get changed in a proper way. 34 O you, always in the side of law, you all must turn towards God, the consuming fire. You must be kind, justice and show- ing mercy and have faith on God and always do the right things. 35 If anybody from you is having the balance (heart) of injustice, do not put troubles to the poor and oppressed. 36 Be wise and your judgments be like the lights, 37 O lawyers, O Justices, hear the Word of God, the cons- uming fire, all of you standing in the side of the justice, all of you hear this 38 decide and give your jud- gments which are according to the justice and acceptable to God. Blow up your bugles (tru- mpets) so that every human being on the earth follows the right paths (law)”. 39 “If you opt for the unjustice, the judgment of God, the consu- ming fire will come on you too and it will be two times higher. 40 All the major courts of justice in every country; all the other The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD courts under that major court, hear the Word of God, the con- suming fire. The truth, mercy and love on the earth are rare and disappearing on the earth. 41 God, the consuming fire sees that human beings on the earth are behaving like the animals, so God, the consuming fire is ple- ading with all the human races spread unto the end of the earth. 42 Giving witnesses of lies, speaking lies easily with fore lips, doing murders, house-breaking and burglary, prostitution and adultery, 43 being addicted to pleasures and flirting, human values being vanished and annulled, becom- ing love and affection slant – by all these things, the earth is sorr- owful and in distress because humans iniquities and transgre- ssions”. 44 As the riches are increased, people are becoming more mal- icious and offensive. As in the case of the lawyers, so is happ- ening to the clients and other people doing injustice. 45 So God, the consuming fire is going to give the punishment to every such people who are Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 449 doing injustice or who is taking the shelter of injustice. 46 However big he is, God, the consuming fire is going to catch him in His net, without fail. 47 They are thinking like this – there is no God, so we need not be afraid of Him who is not seen. So there is no one who is seeing and observing our actions and going give His judgment on us, they say like this, 48 thinking like this, they are co- mmitting to false oaths and false agreements and false pacts. So as the poisonous plants (bitter herbs) are growing in the fields; their judgments are working as poison and not doing good to oppressed”. 49 “God, the consuming fire has created the limits and created the boarders and boundaries to eve- ry country and arranged these restrictions so that they all should know God”. 50 “The laws ,constitutions, the judicial systems, and Code of conducts are arranged by Him; but wicked are treating them for something else. 51 So O Supreme Courts, o courts of judiciary system; start The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD blowing the trumpets, and see that people will not cross the line of the constitution and just-ice. 52 People are perishing without knowledge; they are speaking boasting that they are in the times of computers, but 53 people are perishing not knowing the difference between what is justice and what is inj- ustice; what is right and what is false or fabricated, what is true and what is not. 54 They are forgetting the virtu- ousness and justice (dharmam), so God, the consuming fire is definitely forget those people who abandon and forget the vi- rtuousness and sanctity (dhar- mam)” – this is the Word of God, the consuming fire CHAPTER 165 About Sending Evil spirits GOD, the consuming fire says like this - Concerning witchcraft; O church, as you are powerful and guided into the ful- lness of Christ, so understand clearly that you are not under human entanglement and supe- rstitions.