The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 363

Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 446 getting strong roots there”. 14 “They are made to shed rig- hteous blood for the money and with the money of poor they are enjoying. 15 They are not understanding that God is observing them, they forgot to do good things, the str- ong are plundering the weak and they are filling their houses with the plunder. 16 Whoever are called the eld- ers in the villages have to settle the problems there unlawfully, and they are sold there for money and giving their hearing in favor of rich, putting the righteous and poor people to more and more trouble and doing wrong to the helpless. 17 The strong are murdering the weak in the streets and they are frightening and scaring the people who come forward as the witn- esses. 18 Those who are the political leaders speak with pride and try to keep the government emp- loyees in their grip, and if any- body is ready to oppose their atr- ocities, 19 they use their political power and get them transferred by The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD undo methods; they are getting what they want done without any problem, like this they are becoming the ambassadors of injustice. 20 Why the courts are not stopping such people doing such atrocities?” – This is what God, the consuming fire is asking. 21 “People are taking veng- eance on someone who tries to make them corrected and ask them to stop doing wrong doi- ngs and teach prudence, why they are scoffing integrity?. 22 Why the people are losing the liking towards the truth, upright, justice and righteousness ways?” – This is what God, the consuming fire is asking you. 23 “So, o courts of justice, you are going to acquire the righteo- usness of God, the consuming fire, so stand up quick and get ready to give your judgments to the illegal and corrupted people with the spirit of God, the consu- ming fire. 24 The cases are pending in the courts like heaps of hay; so wake up and deliver your hea- rings without any further late so that the oppressed are benefited. Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 447 25 O courts of justice, you have to give your judgment based on the righteousness only. But som- eone from you asking the servant of God, the consuming fire that, what is meant by righteousness?” 26 God, the consuming fire says that one who questions like that is assuredly someone thinking properly, God is telling him the definition of the righteousness to him. 27 Righteousness is – “God, who is in the heaven who has created all these elements with just one word, and God, who has developed all these human races with one man and directed them to live in the world in a systematic way, 28 the God has directed all the human beings on earth to live in a way, with the values by which they will not have the spots and wrinkles on their spirits (pure in spirit) and the righteousness is nothing but only that holy living with the divine principles and values and this is righteousness,” says God, the consuming fire, but the God’s Word is telling this – “none is righteous, no, not one, it is. The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD 29 O courts of justice, as the heart is becoming rigid, the jeal- ousy, enmity and quarrels are taking place, 30 so, proper counseling and advices have to be arranged to enlighten and give them the kn- owledge in the jails, who were in the Jails, 31 their lives are like waste lands where some crop of love has to be reaped; so discussions with them have to be arranged with them and their attention to their momentary agitation, and a talk with them with love and affection takes their attention to their evil deeds (mistakes) and they rep- ent and there is every chance that makes them turn the right- eousness”. 32 “The people who did the crimes and with the momentary decision, and momentary fury indulged in quarrels and even hesitated killings, now will think on what they did. 33 The prudent definitely grasp what is right, the ways of God, the consuming fire are always good and the righteous people like to live according to those