The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 354

Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 428 harm (or make blind) the eyes of the judicial system? O, Supr- eme Courts and the other courts in every country and related sys- tems unto the end of the earth, why these religious systems today are looking dreadful to you? 25 “The religious system is related to the inner feelings of the people and their personal and inner strong belief and faith. So, to interfere or meddle with such things will be not at all appro- priate and it is a crime too, this is what the constitutions say - a chi- ef justice says”. 26 God, the consuming fire is saying to such people saying so and to the Supreme Courts that 27 “Someone believing his (one) religion, and to the principles of his religion, why he is doing very horrible and terrible sins, mist- akes and crimes? 28 one person of some religion says like this – our religion does not like any other religion, or eas- tern religion or that religion which is not in Asia or Europe or our country, so 29 our religion is teaching us that we have to put troubles to the The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD followers of that particular or other religion and we have to kill them and outcaste them from our society. 30 And our religion is teaching us that we have to rape the girls and women of other religions, it is why we are doing like this – he says the inner part or the se- cret mind of his religion like this. 31 O Supreme Courts, o other courts under Supreme Courts, o magistrates and lawyers, what judgment you give to such per- son speaking like this? 32 If someone does as he said, what judgment you give to such person? 33 You give your judgment to such person who did such major crime that it is written in so and so section that a person doing such things should be given the punishment like this, so you say that you will ask in your judg- ment to apply those punishments explained in those sections”. 34 “Alas, he you the Supreme Courts, o magistrates and law- yers, you are looking only phy- sical things and you are not able to caste your eyes on the internal or inner part of that. Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 429 35 Because – you are giving the student your judgment that he is wrong, while one teacher had taught that student that one plus one is three, he did not teach him that it is two. You are saying that it is the mistake of the student but. 36 You are leaving that teacher who has wrongly teaching the things. Who did the mistake? The teacher who is teaching that one plus one is three? Or the student who just believed what the tea- cher has said and so is saying that one plus one is three? 37 This is the teacher’s wrong deed, isn’t it? So the systems of religions are like the canals full of waste, rotten and decomposed materials, 38 you have to understand that these are like the human excr- etion, worms and viruses regu- larly wet with the faces of bowels and rotten garbage etc. causing diseases”. 39 – “If some unmarried man sees a woman or girl with the lo- oks of lust, it is to be called as prostitution. 40 – If some unmarried woman sees a man or youth with the loo- The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD ks of lust, it is also to be called as prostitution” – this is what the Word of God is alerting, 41 “but, is it possible for anyone to live like that without that feeling? While all the systems of the religions are encouraging the desires of the flesh and the de- sires of the eyes and pride in possessions are encouraging them to do the sins, 42 why are you not using your whip on such people and such religions? Why are you afraid of the people’s cheating tricks, 43 why you become idle sitting helpless seeing the strength of the religious systems? What are hidden in each of these relig- ions? 44 What are there in each of the religions without blind beliefs and the deeds of foolishness wi- thout humanity, what else except these things are there in the reli- gions? So, 45 O Supreme Courts of just- ice raise and use your whip on any of that religion that is filled with blind beliefs and doing harmful deeds to the humanity in the mask of religion, whatever big he may be; use your whip