The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 349

Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 418 your ancestors worked wearing small piece of cloth covering na- kedness, but you people are now wearing the dresses covering full body. Your ancestors used the cow dung and cow urine apply- ing all their body and rubbing their body with the non-fertile (unfruitful) soil and do their bath like this. You are the people of their generations, but you are not using all this while bathing, in- stead of this, now you are using fragrant soaps and shampoos”. 33 “Your ancestors did not study, why you studied? And why you are eager to get admissions in good and better schools, why so? 34 The constitution has intro- duced the right to have educa- tion for every citizen, is not it? Then, why it is not being in full use and thrown in to a corner, why? The constitution had di- rected to put an end to bonded- labor system and destroy that system fully. But that has been increased more, why? 35 While the constitution is an- nouncing that the system of child labor has to be prohibited, but the children of not even fourteen The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD are working in so many facto- ries and if they do not work, the factories must be in a position to be closed, do you know this fact? Some parents are putting the childhood of the so many chil- dren as the prey and there so many drunkard fathers and prostitute mothers living on their earnings, do you know this fact?” 36 “There are some people re- garded as the elders in a par- ticular tribe; but they are suffer- ing by not having sufficient food, do you know this fact? Some people say that they are very poor, but the families of those people are enjoying the riches; do you aware of this fact? 37 All these amendments are being done to destroy the cor- ruption, and start flowering of justice, truth, righteousness; up- right and law as the flowers of good principles in the society and help the people, isn’t it? 38 Are not these vital amend- ments made to enhance the spe- ed of the programs to double? 39 As there are approximately two thousand two hundred and eighty two commands in God’s Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 419 Holy Writ (law), 40 are not all those commands are hidden in ten commands as per the God’s Omnipotent and Almighty standard?” 41 “Does Christ Jesus, the son of God had embedded all those commands in just two commands and announced like the shining silver melted in the crucible, He had stated that one has to have the New Birth; to make entering into the kingdom of God in the heaven speed up? 42 Which ever country’s consti- tution is ready for the needed amendments for the benefit of the people and that should be dee- med as the willingness of God and should be amended. 43 Who ever tries to mock at the constitution, democracy and the Parliamentary system, 44 and if he is ready to amend the constitution to encourage any of the religious systems com- pared as the intoxication, injus- tice, extortion, quarrels and divi- sions; or if he insists to amend the constitution, that effort will put that country in loss and destruc- tion”. 45 “But if anyone tries bring the The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD amendments in right way, with the justice, truth, righteousness and upright, for giving better- ment to the people; for helping the monitory needs of the people; for making the living standards of the people better, without having any divided opinions, as the political lead- ers are educated, and they are 100% passed in the constitu- tional examinations, ready to root out the corruption by de- stroying it; honoring even the foreigners and helping them, helping the poor and keeping the nationality of the country high, 46 if the constitution is ame- nded, that will be acceptable un- iversally. 47 If someone who comes to amend the constitution is rich and does not know the prob- lems, troubles and woes of the people, 48 if he is grown up in the air- conditioned rooms from his birth; without understanding the people’s woes, 49 if he thinks that if there are the mirror skyscrapers, that country will be well grownup