The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 340

Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 400 40 I see everything in you as only unholy, untrue and impure, why is it appearing so to My eyes? 41 There should be people in the Parliaments who will make the legislatures on behalf of the peo- ple, is it not so? If so why some- one in your throwing shoes on some other in you, why is happ- ening this? 42 Why someone from you figh- ting with some other and why someone from you scold some other from you? Why? Why? Why? 43 Tens of you stand up and pat- ting with force the tables; pulling and breaking the chairs and mik- es before them, why is it happ- ening? Why? Why? Why?” 44 “Not making the legislations and spoiling the valuable time with the quarrels, 45 and crying the slogans that Prime Minister has to resign, President and President has to resign or Prime Minister has to resign, with these slogans and screams, the common people are making agitations, 46 the common people of the country are observing the meeti- ngs taking place in every coun- The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD try’s Parliaments house, 47 the leaders do not have the prudent with wisdom and repe- ntance at least the minimum and they run the Parliaments sessions with the screams and comm- otion, 48 and the people seeing all the- se things; becoming more extre- me than these leaders and agitat- ing with screams, quarrels and commotions, 49 and making the cities, states and the country full of quarrels and agitations; is it right thing? 50 While the leaders are throw- ing the shoes on each other in the Parliaments house, 51 will the people seeing these things kiss each other with affe- ction? They are not doing like that, 52 do they fight with the knives with each other? The leaders who make the legislations, are fighting in the Parliaments house with each other, people of the country seeing this, 53 kiss each other with love? Women also are fighting with the men? They are doing like this, is it not happening?” 54 “The people seeing the lead- Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 401 ers who are doing the legislations in the Parliaments house, are pat- ting the tables with anger and force, 55 will their supporters in the streets keep quiet? Don’t they attack on each other with iron rods and other weapons in the streets? 56 In the Parliaments hoses whe- re the legislations are made; if the same leaders that are making the legislation are breaking the chairs and the people seeing these sce- nes gather in the streets in groups (as supporters of the leaders), 57 and don’t they fight with each other as if boxing and attack on each other with the fists, and try to harm each other’s faces with the fist fighting, is it? It is”. 58 “In the Parliaments where the legislations are made and the lea- ders making the legislatures there are breaking and throwing the mikes on each other, 59 the people and the supporters of these leaders, rowdies who see these scenes are killing the people; beheading the innocent and thus playing kill and - behead game, is it right? 60 So, O systems of the Parl- The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD iaments, is it right that, some lea- ders who are quarrelsome, con- tentious and aggressive are ent- ering in you, is it right?” 61 “In the Parliaments houses where the legislations are made, quarrels and contentions are taking place. 62 if the legislations are made with these quarrels and conten- tions; will those legislations be good and blessing the people of the country? Certainly not, rig- ht? If the Parliaments are beco- ming the place for quarrels and contentions, 63 will those countries will be the centers for the quarrels, con- tentions, atrocities, agitations, commotions and murders, is it not right?” 64 “Definitely , will not all those countries where the quarrels, contentions, atrocities, agitati- ons, commotions take place, will not such all countries defin- itely 65 be the centers of murders, quarrels, contents, agitations, corruption, injustice, lawlessne- ss and illegal things? Why not, definitely they will be so, is it not?