The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 336

Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 392 from where all these employees are taking the salaries? 162 Think, that money belongs to the people or not? They are not happy with what the people are giving with their consent in the name of the salaries, 163 they become the kings of the corruption, rulers of the injustice and they are plundering or rob- bing the country, that is the money of the people and making the country poor and poorer, is the system of the Parliaments is here to do this only?” 164 “If a common man raises slogans that the corruption sho- uld be suppressed with the heavy foot, 165 he will be put in the jail and the justice will be suppressed with the injustice and corruption; the systems of Parliaments and legislatures are here to do this only? 166 Are these systems of Parliaments and legislatures are here to make the justice into inju- stice, make the righteousness things in to the wrong or corru- ption, and make the truth in to lie and make the law and into lawless and faithless?” The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD 167 O systems of the Parli- aments, God is asking you - “is it right thing that, you are filling for the corrupted people, peo- ple supporting the injustice, peo- ple spreading the disorder and dishonesty and selfish people? 168 Is it right that such people live in you? If a corrupted one is with you and making an act, how that will be? Don’t you know this? If water is poured in to a lattice, will it be there? Has it happened anywhere in this world? Or will it happen like that? 169 If a person full of corruption makes a statute; that statute will be like lattice and the corrupted and also one who supports that corruption will slip away from that lattice like the water. Isn’t it? If a liar becomes a leader and one with you to make the cons- titutions, what type of const- itution will be made by such person?” 171 That will be like old waste cloth is patched with a brand new costly cloth? Is it not right? 172 If a person is full of injustice and becomes a leader to sit with you and makes a constitution, Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 393 how that constitution will be, don’t you know? 173 It will be like something that when someone is going to dying with pain and if you hurt him with his finger in his eye, is it not right? 174 If a person who loves the illegal things and he becomes a leader in you, what type of legis- latures he will make? 175 He will take the darkness as the light and as per the proverb that a monkey already spoiled will spoil all the garden, will he not spoil everything, is it not right?” 176 “If one is not integrity and with some insidious or cunning disguise becomes a leader and if such person is to make a consti- tution; how that statute will be? 177 This will be like giving the keys of the house to a thief think- ing to plunder that house and like believing a clever jackal that says something and does the harm, will it not be like this? 178 if a common man cries the slogans like this – corruption must be destroyed, all the corr- upted must be destroyed, inju- stice must be destroyed, lawles- sness people must be destroyed, injustice must be destroyed, inju- The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD stice must be destroyed, false must be destroyed, false must be destroyed, 179 Is it right to see him angrily? Is it right to be extremely angry on him? Is it this right in the system of the democracy that is happening? – God, the consu- ming fire is asking about the systems of the Parliaments unto the end of the earth” – declares God, the consuming fire. CHAPTER 150 Dishonest Works in Church GOD, the consuming fire says - oh church! You should have the Lord’s Table (Lord’s Supp- er)on every day of Resurrection. 3 The bread which resembles the body of Christ should be made with wheat or olive flour. However whichever is not of faith it is sin. 4 It should be unleavened. 5 Only the holy and excellent must be offered to Me. 6 Those who are New Born (forgiven by the Lord), and have sure foundation should ex- amine themselves and if their conscience does not condemn them then they can take part in the Lord’s Table.