The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 334

Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 388 it not happening?” – This is how God, the consuming fire is ques- tioning you and why you are quiet when you are asked like this? 124 “So, o leaders, be alike peace towards every one like with the heart of a father, show the love better than that of a mot- her on every one, then you will never be caught by a doubt that you will be murdered by some- one” – this is what God, the con- suming fire is telling to you. “If you do as stated by God, you will live really with the blessings of the long life, and in that case, God himself will rescue you – this is what God, the consuming fire is saying. Is there any one in you who will accept and follow the command of God?” - This is the question put to you by God, the consuming fire. 125 “So any one group in a cou- ntry is burning with the revenges and quarrels, and creating atro- cities in the country; the gover- nments should start the dialogue with them to put an end to these conflicts, but they should not be treated as how a anti-personnel from other country does treat our The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD people and they should not be killed like anti-personnel’s are killed” – declares God, the con- suming fire 126 II “If anybody used a weapon like gun or knife or any other weapon to kill anyone in the country, it has to be invest- igated first of all that the weapon used for the murder is from the mother land or from the foreign country. 127 If it is known that the wea- pon is from the foreign country; that crime is to be taken as the crime done by the anti-perso- nnel, because – it has been pre- planned and as per the wish of the satan, he did this killing. 128 If it was not like that and the killer used the weapon of the same country the killed belongs; it is because the killer shed the blood of his brother, so the killer must be given the death sentence and he must be hanged. 129 Because - he has prepla- nned this murder, he decided in his mind to kill such person; so he is hiding and waiting for the opportunity and killed him by having good time. If not like this, if one does not think to kill som- Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 389 eone; but as he used some wea- pon out of some mistake and if the other person is dead, this is not a murder, because it is not planned or expected. So this is not the murder” – God, the cons- uming fire is saying. “So a deta- iled investigation has to be done and if the crime is proved, he must be put in the jail or otherwise if he is proved as not criminal; it is to be declared that he must be released”. 130 II God, the consuming fire is saying like this - “anybody whether he is President, or Prime Minister or Minister or Admin- istrator, 131 whether he is the people’s leader or the government emplo- yee or whoever he may be; if he is slave to the injustice and com- mits corruption, such person will be more danger than anti-pers- onnel. That person must has rid- den on the ass and put the board upon his or her face as – “corr- upted” and let them lead him or her on the ass through the city or village streets, proclaiming before him or her – “thus shall it be done to the man or women those who take bribes. This will be done by The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD the authorities– this is what God, the consuming fire is telling. 132 Yet God, the consuming fire is saying like this - “on Presi- dents, Administrators, Prime Ministers and Ministers who promote the injustice and corr- uption, 133 God, the consuming fire is going to throw His net and 134 all of them definitely will be caught in that net of God, the consuming fire” – declares God, the consuming fire. 135 II God, the consuming fire is also saying like this – God, the consuming fire is saying about the Parliament systems unto the end of the earth says to like this 136 “O Parliaments systems sp- read unto the end of the earth – hear, you say about yourself that you are the systems represent- ing on behalf of the people and you make the constitutions on behalf of the people; like this you say about yourself. 137 What you say is right, this is true and it is acceptable for Me also what you say to Me, God, the consuming fire. 138 But you say that you are working on behalf of the people