The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 33

Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 22 O America, do you think that our God is incapable of giving children? If, does He orders, thi- ngs will be sets right? Who op- ened the wombs of unfertile Sar- ah, Hannah, Rebekah, Rachel and the wife of Manoah and blessed them with children? Don’t you know that I blessed them? It is written that – the fruit of the womb is a reward from God, don’t you know this? 23 It is written that – they shall not labor in vain or bear children for calamity; they will not give birth to husk. In olden days your nation delivered the best wheat (children), now people are deliv- ering husk and grass by surrog- acy and test tube systems thro- ughout the country, and all of them are making the race ready to get burned in the fire. 24 O America! Woe! Woe! Your physical splendor of wisdom spoils you; this physical wisdom becomes disastrous death! This wisdom is not hailed from heav- en, and this is earthly element to perish, this is devilish 1 knowledg e, because - “For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work. 1 Jam3:15; 2 1Sam2:30. 50 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD 25 But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peace- able, gentle, and easy to be in treated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy”. 26 “So America, leave the phy- sical knowledge at least now and eat stomach full of the knowl- edge of word of God coming from heaven, sent from God. O, America when you used to follow the heavenly wisdom, your splendor and fame spread throughout the world down to up above the sky. But when you left the wisdom of word of God, left the knowledge of the teac- hings of Jesus and started follo- wing the physical wisdom, foll- owing the perishing knowledge like oasis, your fame and sple- ndid glory started vanishing as past status. 27 Why your excellence has been looking like dim light covered by black soot? You did not follow the truth that - “one who honor 2 Me (word) I will honor him. But you threw away My teachings and Me, and your God. You are indulged in earning money by business and having Salvation Through BORN AGAIN all sorts of comforts and pleasu- res, throw out the word of living”. 28 O America, Oh! Oh! 29 Your God is one who makes the fallen to get up and make the humble in to well grown up and great. So He came to you to make you again great. Don’t you think that - fallen and overthrown cannot stand up again? You know, they definitely stand up and reach the higher levels. Is it not true? It is written that – “O Lord led me to the high moun- tain, which is not lead”. 30 So America, get up! America, get up! get up! – God, the cons- uming fire commanding you now getup, getup and He reminding you to get back the word of the light of Christ spread unto the earth and shake yourself from the dust and arise. 31 O America, Get up! I am God of make rise the fallen and mak- ing them come up, I am ordering you to get up, I am ordering you to get great again showing your real strength! I am making your paws made of Bronze and I am making your hoof made of iron. So get up again and run, run, run to go beyond your previous sta- 51 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD ge. I am God giving full strength to the weak and meek, I make you strong and bold. 32 The sun of righteousness is rising upon you. O country! O country! Get up! Jump and skip with joy! As the rays of the sun of the righteousness is rising on you; the clouds of sins and cur- ses, the moments of death will vanish like the snow turns vani- shed with the sun rays. You will appear again as the honor cou- ntry in the world. 33 And holy people, nation of My possession. I want you to command that you rebuild again and to honor and made you gre- at again as the holy country, and My people of possession to sta- y end of the earth” – this is the Word of God, the consuming fire Spiritual Wretchedness 34 II Alas, O America! How you became prostitute? God, the consuming fire is asking you. Your country was faithful and dependable at one time, now it is quite opposite- faithless and unbelief. 35 Because – Whereever I see I find debauchers and where-