The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 329

Salvation Through BORN AGAIN ociates will take the aeroplanes, ships and the buses into their cus- tody and arrest the innocent trav- elers or officers there and thre- aten that they will murder them if the anti-personnel is not released and like that they will get the anti- personnel released and run aw- ay. So the governments should wakeup in this regard imme- diately. If anybody is released like that people will think that the country attacked by the anti-per- sonnel’s has been weakened. Then the next fraud than the beg- inning one will be more dam- aging” – this is what God, the consuming fire is telling. 40 God, the consuming fire is also telling about the compr- ehension meetings like this – “if a man from one country enters into another country, destroys the properties of the other cou- ntry and kills the people there and doing so if he is caught with life; and it is confirmed that he is the anti-personnel and then regarding the surrendering of that anti-per- sonnel to his country according to the understanding between those two countries as per the meetings done between them 378 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD with the name of comprehension meetings – 41 that President or that Prime Minister of any country accepts for that; that means, surrendering the anti-personnel with life to the country to which the anti-pers- onnel belongs and accordingly if he signs on the declarations of the inter-country understan- dings, and if he releases the anti- personnel, it is certain that he that President or that Prime Minister is not right person for his post and as this is to be understood and they must be removed from their post. 42 Because – by doing so, he is having understandings with the opposite countries and they are doing injustice to the people of their country and cheating the country he is serving. Where, that is, in which country the anti- personnel is hanged, in that country only his religious cere- mony should be performed. His body should not be surrendered to his mother country, because – the other anti-personnel’s who believe his principles and his deeds as right will make the place where the body of that Salvation Through BORN AGAIN anti-personnel is buried as the place for pilgrims and the danger is there that more anti-personnel are made as a result of this. So the body of the anti-personnel who is hanged should be buried in the secret place in the country where he did his crime” – this is what God, the consuming fire is saying. 43 God, the consuming fire is also telling like this, that is – “someone from you stands says that the anti-personnel has been defined by God properly, but the people in one country, that means the same people of that country are taking bombs in their hands and taking the lives of the leaders and innocent people, 44 and they are destroying and damaging the properties of the public and also private, is not this? Is this not called the anti- personnel? Someone rises his doubt like this, what about this? Like this he is asking God, the consuming fire”. 45 God, the consuming fire is telling to such person who asked like this, that is - “in any country people doing such acts, that is, if he is not targeting the whole or 379 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD some people, leaders or the officers in his country; but he is violent and ready to someone who did harm to him, and he is accused of doing murder, 46 such people are called the human-assassin and they should be adjudged completely in the courts of the same country, bec- ause - if one is belonging to one country and trying to kill the people of the same country and also kills someone with personal grudges, then it should be inv- estigated about the reasons that instigated him to become as as- sassin, 47 and it should be fully enqu- ired that why he has become like that, why he is putting his country like his mother to such tortures, why he sheds the blo- od of his brothers (the people of a country are to be treated as the bothers) – all this has to be enquired and investigated deeply and thoroughly”. 48 Because – “money is beco- ming the root cause for all the evils, and the rich are not show- ing pity on the poor and as they are suppressing the poor; the poor people start thinking that