The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 327

Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 374 udies or as the sightseeing tour- ists in to their country and if they start to anti-personnel acts, to stop them as precaution from such activities), 18 every country should appoint moreover look for able men from all the country men and - appoint at the boarders of their country and airports and ports as obse- rvers who are having the able men from all the people men who fear God, who are trustworthy and hate a bribe. Those people should be closely examined by their capacity that can they be capable of finding someone coming from other countries if they are coming to do some anti- personnel acts in their country or not”. 19 “Anyone who is coming from one country to other country, governments have to be careful every minute by examining such persons very closely. 20 Everything before, (that means before he goes to other country) be clear by his state- ments that where he stays and where he works, and all those things must be counter checked by the government officials; and The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD if it is clear that there will be no harm by him; only then they should be allowed into their cou- ntry and governments also take care that they will be available to government officials and they should also attend every day (if it possible) to government off- ices if needed. 21 If such person will not let it be known or stated clearly with- out hesitation that where he stays or where he works or where he education then we have to know that he is definitely someone to become the anti-personnel and he should not be allowed in to the country. Such person should be sent back to his country” – this is the Word of God, the con- suming fire. 22 God, the consuming fire is also telling like this - “If some- one comes from one country in to another country, and caught by doing destruction to the pro- perties of the public and private or the people there; he must be put in the custody for only one month and all the information should be extracted from him with in fifteen days, and he must be sentenced to death and sho- Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 375 uld be sent to be hanged. If his father is in the country he has ent- ered and if his mother is from that other country, and if he come from the country of his mother and entered his father’s country where he attempted the anti-per- sonnel activities, he must be tre- ated as the citizen of his father’s country. Yet he has done this with the instigation of the other cou- ntry, so this also should be treated as the anti-personnel; he is defin- itely the anti-personnel. 23 If such person accepts his sins, repent and takes the New Birth by accepting the gospel of cross according to the scriptures, even then he must be hanged without fail. 24 If he takes the New Birth by this, his body will get the glory; his flesh and works of the flesh will be perished, but his spirit will go to God for the eternal life. So he must be hanged definitely without fail. 25 Before hanging him, the gos- pel according to the scripture should be heard by him so that he can understand this, and sho- uld be known whether he or she is accepting that or not; and if he The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD accepts and must be made the New Birth (Born Again), and then he must be hanged. 26 If he does not accepts the Word of God, if he does not accept the scriptural gospel and the New Birth and not ready to escape from the punishment of that dreadful hell; he must be given three days time, the prayer for him with fast is done for him, and then again he must be asked and even if he accepts or does not accept, as he will be defin- itely observed by God, the con- suming fire, the death sentence of him should be put in action and he must be hanged opposite to the Sun. 27 If someone enters into some other country and caught as the anti-personnel, if his crime is established or proved, that me- ans, if he is seen by some people or government officers the acts of shooting the people and kil- ling them; destroying the public and private properties, and by proving the crimes by him (or them) and if this witness is by more than two persons, 28 he must be hanged definitely within or even before a month,