The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 326

Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 372 CHAPTER 149 Definition Of Anti-Personalism And It’s Punishments YET, God, the consuming fire is also saying like with His open mouth – “if anybody thinks to destroy the common people, that is innocent people, 2 if he makes the people panic and he tries to shed the blood of innocent people, God, the cons- uming fire is saying about those anti-personnel’s like this – 3 If anybody kills either the peo- ple, or the police or guards; or the officers with the bombs and killing weapons, 4 such persons should be sent- enced immediately hanged (de- ath sentence), 5 because, it is written by God that - if the sin is not punished immediately; the people become violent and do the sins without intervals, 6 and if wages of sin or punis- hment of sin is immediately, they avoid doing sins and thus they will be saved from doing the sins. 7 Like that, if anybody is attr- acted by giving money to bec- ome anti-personnel’s, such peo- The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD ple must be hanged without fail. 8 Because – such person is the chief or main person for the begi- nning of the atrocities (shedding the blood). 9 It is why, it is written that – whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed” - this is the Word of God, the consuming fire. 10 God, the consuming fire is also telling like this – “one sta- nds and asks that - what is the anti-personnel and what type of punishments have to be given to the anti-personnel’s? 11 God, the consuming fire is saying to such person – “if one country is engaged in the war on another country without showing the proper reason, or the citizen of one country; on behalf of his government if he attacks on ano- ther country or on the people of the other country or on that gov- ernment or private properties of other countries, if he destroys the people and properties; that is called the anti-personnel” – this is what God, the consuming fire is saying. 12 “And if one person who lives in one country, whether he is a Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 373 political leader or common man, if he builds any relation with the people of other country or the government of other country and by doing so if he destroys the people and the properties of the private or public in his country he is living in, that is also called the anti-personalism (Terrorism)” – this is what God, the consuming fire is saying. 13 “If a private or public empl- oyee living in one country or an ordinary man leading ordinary life, if he passes the information of his country to someone in ano- ther country (someone who bel- ongs to another country) that is if that information is to use to put loss or harm to the property and life of the people living in his cou- ntry, that is called the anti-person- nalism act of the communication of the information” - this is what God, the consuming fire is telling. 14 And God, the consuming fire is also telling like this, that is - “if one belonging to one country att- acks on the Parliaments house of another country; on the buildings of the leaders elected by the peo- ple, on the buildings of the legis- lature or any other building where The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD the leaders meet in other country, this is definitely called the anti-personalism. 15 If someone or some people blast bombs or kill with the kil- ling weapons the innocent peo- ple and public in the public plac- es where the people come in pl- enty, courts, stations, ports and airports, temples, prayer tem- ples and mosques and other pl- aces and education centers by shedding blood and making the people panic, that is nothing but anti-personnel” says God, the consuming fire. 16 “To see that the anti-perso- nnel’s should not travel from one country to another country, at the boarders of every country; or to see that one person of one country should not go to other country, at the roads or the paths of any type, 17 the governments in every country; to know by observing the people coming from other countries in to their country, (that means, if the people from one country enter the other cou- ntry by saying the lies that they are coming for doing or planning to do the business, or for the st-