The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 325

Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 370 by satan without knowing any- thing. 30 II Is My word (Word of God) printed in a code langu- age which man cannot underst- and? 31 It is not Me speaking to pe- ople in every language, with clear script with clear words and sent- ences. 32 everyone should hear, per- ceive, accept and follow it and to bring forth fruit some hundre- dfold, some sixtyfold, some thi- rty fold, 33 by allowing My word into every language and am I speak- ing to every language men thro- ugh My word? It is, so that if anyone arguing without savoring these things, 34 remember that such person is predestined before the foun- dation of the world and will surely punish by the consuming fire of God, in fire and brimstone fore- ver and ever. 35 Such person mistakes the spirit of Satan for the spirit of God, running towards eternal judgment bewitching darkness for light – the scripture which is written – woe unto them that put The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD darkness for light - and light for darkness – is fulfilled in them. 36 The preachers, who claim to have been speaking in tongues by spirit, misinterpret My word – saying that all the one hundred and twenty in the upper room spoke in tongue by spirit – arg- uing without being ashamed. 37 How many spoke in tongues on the day of Pentecost? – Do not they perceive from the word of God that only the twelve apo- stles? But misinterpreting prea- cher is arguing without testing My word that while one hun- dred and twenty brethren had gathered. 38 And again he is misinterpre- ting that - they spoke in tongues because they had received the Holy Spirit. 39 While My word is roaring that they were filled with Holy Spirit, 40 he is chiding that it was with the receiving of the Holy Spirit. Such person does not know the difference between receiving the Holy Spirit and being filled with Holy Spirit, 41 asking, did you receive the spirit? Did not speak in tongu- Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 371 es? And was sent by the prince of this world to drag the saints to the hell with him, this is got your understanding. 42 Such people ask – have not the household of Cornelius recei- ved the Spirit and spoken in ton- gues! The disciples in Ephesus spoke in languages as symbolic received spirit and laboring to chide yet, 43 they do not knowing My law that “My Spirit shall not strive with men” and running towards My white throne. So leave out such person. 44 Such preachers and their followers went down to the ete- rnal judgment. 45 In this regard My spirit through Isaiah said that – what ails you now to make full of noi- se? What ails you now to tumult? They stumbled at the stumbling stone as was written and 46 as My spirit said through apostle Peter who was elder am- ong apostles said, it is fulfilled – which Paul preached were hand to understand; they are wrest by unlearned and unstable unto their own destruction as they do the other scriptures, The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD 47 you therefore, knowing this beforehand, take care that you are not carried away with the error them of lawless people and lose your own stability. They are running towards eternal destru- ction without knowing the explanation of the truth which the Holy Spirit got written thro- ugh Luke. So no one should ob- struct them. 48 So, o church, if anyone is not of Christ, yet not mindful of the thing which God, the consuming fire telling through His Spirit, 49 if he rises against the spirit of God, who is the consuming fire, he is prepared to face the judgment imposed upon him. 50 So no one should stop him. I, God speak once or twice. 51 II O church, your God is not the author of the confusion, so do not let any chaos in the seati- ng of believers, using musical instruments, 52 in prayers and in the teaching of the word behave like – as the whole earth is in the fear and be silent of God in His presence - this is the Word of God, the consuming fire