The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 323

Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 366 ude towards your mother, do you do like this? Alas, don’t you love your mother? 80 As you are changing as the anti-personnel, you are putting your father; who has carried you on his shoulders to the curses? 81 When you walk in your child- hood with your tiny feet; talk with lovely words stretching hands to ask to carry you, all the elders thought that you will be rich; ho- nor and wise when you are gro- wn up. 82 But you are caught in the hands of the satan and became the wretched, why you have bec- ome the cursed?” – This is what God, the consuming fire is saying. 83 II God, the consuming fire is also saying like this – “Anybody, that means any man or any wo- man should not become as the anti-personnel(Terrorist). 84 And also He says that such people are seen as opposing the commandments established by God and the commands of God directly. 85 God, the consuming fire says that such people and all of their families will be tied their hands and legs and thrown into the lake The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD of burning fire forever and ever”. 86 Yet, God, the consuming fire is also saying like this – “if any man who is married is interested to become the anti-personnel, 87 if such person’s wife knows about this, she must stop him. Like that, if any woman is inte- rested to become the anti-pers- onnel, 88 if her husband knows about this; then he must try to stop his wife so that she is not becoming anti-personnel. 89 If the parents are becoming the anti-personnel’s, their chil- dren have to take care and stop them from becoming the anti- personnel’s. The parents should not suppress the children by ask- ing money and by doing so; their children may become anti-per- sonnel’s for the sake of money. 90 If anybody’s children, whe- ther son or their daughter beco- ming the anti-personnel’s, if it was known to them, 91 it is the responsibility of the parents to see that their children do not become anti-person- nel’s”. 92 “If the children do not hear what their parents say and if they Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 367 are ready to live the life of anti- personnel’s, 93 by crossing over the warnings of God, the consuming fire, their parent’s and also the govern- ment’s warnings, if they are ready to live like anti-personnel’s, 94 the parents who gave birth to them, say that he is our son or she is our daughter, but they do not hear our caution (advices) or the warnings of the government, 95 at last he or she is not caring the warnings of God, the consu- ming fire and revolted, so 96 they have to say that he or she is like the weeds and made to stand for the judgment of God, he or she is like dead, and our family members of him or her do not have any contact with the acts of him or her, 97 by saying so, all the members of the family including small and big; have to accept before the officers of the government and then they have to wash their hands with the water they drink, after washing hands they have to wipe the wet hands with the ker- chiefs without leaving the hands wet. 98 After being married, anybody The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD that means the wife or husband is interested to be the anti-per- sonnel and even after they are asked not to do so and if they are, he or she, disobedient, 99 they also should have to do like described above and cut the relations; and if this is a woman, she has to go to her parent’s (bi- rth place) house. 100 After that if the wife or hus- band who has become the anti- personnel(Terrorist) and if he or she is dead in the encounters of the government or by the death sentences of the government after being caught, if this comes to the notice of her or him; they have to get it confirmed and as per the will of God, before the elders of the village or before the officers of the government, they have to get married of their choice” – this is the Word of God, the consuming fire. 101-104 God, the consuming fire says to the people like this- “O peoples who are spreading like stars, be attentive what I am telling to you, that is – if any anti- personnel came to you and make you afraid and doing the murders; if so you came to know