The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 301

Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 322 country, either the Prime Minister or the pleader, pleading on beh- alf of the justice, or the judge who passes the judgments, the poor or the oppressed and tortu- red, 31 whether he is a rich or penni- less, whether he is a government employee or anybody he is, if he tries to remove you to your knees – he is someone from the Satan, so 32 put your foot on his head and break it in to pieces, throw him to some corner of the hell. 33 God, the consuming fire is giving strength to your feet so that you can use your feet with force to squash the head of unjust peo- ple with corruption, so raise your foot and suppress him” – this is the Word of God, the consuming fire. 34 Yet, God, the consuming fire is also saying like this – God, the consuming fire is saying about the righteousness like this – 35 “people are saying that you are another leg of the constitu- tion, is not it? 36 Anyone, let him be either pol- itical leader, or the President or the Prime Minister or pleader or The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD who pleads on behalf of the justice, or the judge who passes judgments, or the poor, or the suppressed, 37 whether they are rich or penniless, either they are lords or commons, or the government servants, let them be anyone, 38 if they are trying to break your leg called righteousness or if they are breaking your leg called the righteousness, they are the sons of devil. 39 So, put your foot of righteou- sness on his head and crush them and thrown into the hell. 40 God, the consuming fire is giving strength to your foot to suppress and squash the heads of those who are corrupted or giving support to the roots of corruption, so raise your foot on the corrupted, and their relatives and friends who are supporting the corruption”. 41 God, the consuming fire is strengthening your feet and He is telling about the upright (integ- rity) like this – 42 “people are saying about you as one more leg of the constit- ution, Isn’t it? So o , upright hear this – Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 323 43 Anybody he may be, either they are political leaders, or the Presidents or the Ministers, or the Prime Ministers or the Pleaders who plead on behalf of the upr- ight, or the judges who pass the judgments, or the poor, or the suppressed, 44 or whether they are rich or penniless, either they are lords or commons, or the government servants, let them be anyone, 45 if he is trying to break your leg called the upright, he must be the son of the dragon, the father of lies. So put your foot of the upright on his head and crush them and throw into the hell”. 46 “To protect the upright and to punish the enemies and also their friends who are trying to establish the falsehood as the upright, by putting your mighty foot of upright on their heads and crushing them and throw into the hell, God, the consuming fire is strengthening your feet, 47 so God, the consuming fire is telling you - to raise your foot and put it on the heads of the enemies of the integrity and also their friends who are supporting them to kill the integrity, as mig- The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD hty protector of upright, squash them into pieces” – declares God, the consuming fire CHAPTER 138 Dead Works in Church Who create the spirit in the human beings, God, the consu- ming fire says like this - Oh Church! Why did you go down to the state of mocking the Lord yourself? What happened to Lucifer? When My word teac- hes the women to cover their heads and sit in humble spirit, 2 why do the women uncover their heads and (hair hanging) sitting in the church with their hair without plaited? 3 The harlots in Corinth used to cut their hair but 4 why then the wise women seated in the church with uncovering their heads? Who are called worthy? 5 Every woman who pray with her head uncovered or preaches in the woman’s congregation, she dishonors her head and the Lord, 6 do you despise the voice of the Holy Spirit and reject Me your God? Do you not suppose