The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 295

Salvation Through BORN AGAIN without blemish, 24 and will determine to take the best decision - God, the consum- ing fire says. 25 Any virgin who is Born Again and holy and who has no spot, wrinkle, blemish and iniquities, be sanctified and cleansed with the washing of water by the Word, knowing that the Lord would surely bless her, 26 wants to get married for the glory of the Lord, such virgin get- ting married without veil is a great blessing. 27 God, the consuming fire says this as a concession, not as a com- mandment as it is for the glory of Christ and for their blessing. The hour of the Lord is near. You all are hopeful with unveiled faces to meet Him? - This is the Word of God, the consuming fire 28 II God, the consuming fire says - O church, one more thing is – there are preachers of satan amo- ng you who falsely interpret My word. 29 Such people falsely interpret My word which says – bind my words as a sign on your hand, shall 310 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD be as frontlets between your eyes – the preachers made false in- terpretations for their belly and for their self destruction, 30 encouraging many to tie bra- celets and frontlets with leafs and dragging them to the judgment. So be alert to dispel such people from among you without any de- lay. 31 O church, do you want more glory than Me? Are you not rob- bing My glory by giving prime honor to preachers, bridegrooms and brides? 32 You are adorning the bride- groom and bride with garlands which will wither surely and sym- bolically saying that they are also going to wither? 33 You are falsely interpreting My word by honoring the pre- achers with garlands? 34 What is the scripture saying regarding this? – When similar situation happened to Paul and Barnabas they said when they came to with garlands and honor them, men,why are you doing such things? 35 We also are men with the Salvation Through BORN AGAIN same nature as you, and preach gospel to you that you should turn from these useless things to the living GOD.” And do you know this truth they were able to restrain the multitudes from sacrificing to them? 36 So I beseech you to avoid such dead works in the name of Christ. 37 I tell you to use the perfume which gives gladness and delight. Because – perfumes are a sym- bol of anointing and which fills the whole house with fragrance. 38 II One person mocks at Me of My stating - God is saying “not to be adorned with garlands, not to be adorned with clothes, and not said to live nakedly.” But God’s saying regarding dead works are of the Holy Spirit. 39 God, the consuming fire tells to put them to shame those who are scornful? He is not aware of what the scripture says – their charm is like a flower and is like flowers blossoming in the morn- ing. 40 He does not know the scrip- ture saying – they will be like a flower over which the wind blows 311 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD it will fall from its place? 41 One more thing he does not know. That is - the clothes are signs of salvation, He made me wear robe of salvation. He spe- aks vainly not knowing this. You need to know that flowers are signs of the corruptible - this is the Word of God, the consuming fire. 42 II God, the consuming fire says - O church, it is shameful for you even to tell to you of the gentile’s dead works you do. 43 Woe, why are separating new couple from each other in the name of ashadham (aadi), and shravanam? Why do you talk about full moon and new moon? Why do you require gentiles’ ‘Days and Timings’? I have al- ready made it clear that all days are good and alike? 44 II At marriage authority is given to bride over bridegroom and to bridegroom over bride (which means to husband on wife, and to wife on husband), having authority on each other, 45 both should wear gold ring (Gold is a symbol of divine au-