The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 286

Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 33 he is looted hundred for shi- vering; two hundred for coug- hing, 34 the corruption taking wor- kers (male and female) in the wards (saying we are here for your service) demand for this money for their services, 35 when someone goes to the higher one; that means, the higher official with anger, 36 no services will be given to oppressed (patient) and it results in the death of that patient; can’t you stop such incidents of the deaths there? Okay, 37 the free and terrible prostitu- tion is the reason for the dange- rous dieses AIDS and many diseases, the officers who have to stop this prostitution; keep the condom (contraceptives) and they are taking part in prostitu- tion, and adultery they give ads that use the contraceptives and encouraging prostitution; adul- tery can’t this prostitution be completely banned?” 38 “Today’s children are tomor- row’s citizens; youth are the strength of the country – ‘is this saying not true? 39 But the obscene books sold 292 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD in the open market to spoil the youth, 40 can’t you completely ban the screening of the obscene films and the obscene business ads? Okay, 41 you care much for the health of the people and so you are sp- ending lot of money for the health of the people, isn’t it not right? 42 ‘If so, why there are pan sho- ps in every street in every town and city? From children to the old man, everyone is eating the dangerous tobacco and smok- ing; they are in the fold of the cancer disease. 43 Can’t you ban the pans and khainies and protect the health of the people in the country?” 44 God, the consuming fire is yet telling to the systems of parliament like this – “Who has woes? Who has sorrow? Who has strife’s? Who has compla- ins? Who has wounds of no rea- son? Who has redness of eyes? Those who tarry long over wine, isn’t he so?” – Word of God is declaring in loud tone. 45-46 “The liquor is flowing in the country like the streams, permissions to the wine shops Salvation Through BORN AGAIN are given more and these shops are becoming the reason for the wows of tears of the women; why can’t you stop the wine sho- ps completely? Are not the wows and sorrows of the women by these wine shops are not being written in your book? 47-48 ‘O systems of the parliam- ent, hear the call of God, the con- suming fire, you have to get your- self soon corrected; get outrage- ous to root out the corruption and the activities of the sins” – this is the Word of God, the consuming fire. 49 II God, the consuming fire is saying like this – “O systems of the parliament don’t you like that the system in which the human beings are living and they are liv- ing with the values of righteou- sness? 50 ‘You did not say like that, isn’t it right? If so why you announced the freedom and independence to the undo things of men with men and women with women? 51 Is it right that the human beings do against the law of God and against the Godly order? People doing so, can they be living? 52 Will the society of human be- 293 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD ings with good values can be like that? Those who do the undo things of men with men and wo- men with women, 53 and those who encourage them, can’t you make them des- troyed by making them root out with completely destroying their roots? Can’t you save the holin- ess, righteous system and order in the human races? 54 ‘Is it right that human being can behave like than the beasts? ‘Doing the undo things of men with men and women with wo- men is called civilization? Is it the index of the development of human race? Such sins will ma- ke the human race to run to the destruction, right?” 55 “O systems of parliament saying that you are representing to the people, By feeding and getting it developed this extreme sins in the country; do wish to sing the final song (destroyed) to the human race? 56 Or do you like to sing the fi- nal song (destroy) to the oppos- ite side system against the natural systems and like to save the hu- man race? 57 Hear the Word of God, the