The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 285

Salvation Through BORN AGAIN God will be like the drops as the rain and the gentle rain upon grass”. 7 “God, the consuming fire is faithful, righteous, and merciful who is spreading His grace and compassion all around the world. 8 The Parliament system says that they are representing the people, God, the consuming fire is asking that Parliament systems like this– 9 “the systems of Parliament and the people representing these systems of Parliament, hear the Word of God, the consuming fire very carefully. 10 What, God, the consuming fire is asking the systems of parli- ament is – “O systems of parlia- ments, what type of people are participating in you? 11 Is it right that corrupted peo- ple, selfish people, boasting peo- ple who are wasting the public money can participate in you? 12 Is it right if you are fully filled with the prostitutes and drunk- ards? Will it be right if the people taking the bribes can be taking shelter in you? 13 So o systems of parliament, get you corrected. The acts you make should be useful to the 290 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD people, isn’t it right?” 14 “O systems of the parlia- ment, why are you not destroy- ing and demolished the corrup- tion? One who does this corrup- tion; how much honor he may be, 15 don’t you know the principle of justice that all are equal before the law? 16 Whether is the ruler or ordin- ary person, king or top person of the rule whoever he may be officer, Judge, President, if he is participating and encouraging in the corruption, he should be pun- ished, isn’t it? 17-18 – “Some poets say that among you when the corruption is going on, one who sees that is also like one with that corruption. Is it not true? Don’t you know that? O parliamentary syste-ms, from small to big, from the lower stage government employee to prime ministers; presidents and kings, the chief justices and all the courts, 19 any one working in those courts; who attempts for the corruption and sucks blood of the poor, will he be to be puni- Salvation Through BORN AGAIN shed or not? 20 You must know and unders- tand that one who does corrup- tion is he who sucks the blood of the poor and innocent persons, you have to root out the corrupt- ion with its roots” – this is the Word of God,the consuming fire. 21 II God, the consuming fire is saying to parliament systems like this – “O systems of parliam- ents, representing the side of pe- ople and spread unto the end of the earth, think carefully about this activity of corruption told by God, the consuming fire, 22 that is – ‘those mighty people who like to do the wicked activi- ties and corruption come and beat the weak people; tear their clo- thes, make them wounds till the blood comes out and frightens to murder them and abuse them the weak will be afraid of such peo- ple, 23 the weak will come to the police (Cop) stations and 24 wish to take the shelter of the police force, 25 what is happening to them there? There, those who have to protect the people in troubles, 26 they become the (eaters for- 291 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD ce) to the oppressed and say that give money, then only your cases proceed, 27 they are becoming like the leeches for the oppressed, is there no way that this type of corruption is put to end in the police stations?” 28 “Is there no way that the oppressed and the poor are saved from these cop stations? Okay, 29 to have the property (land) came to him as the heir, to get it changed in his name and to get the deed, 30 when he goes to the office of the regional office; there eve- ry where the officers and the village officers put their hands (for bribe) under their work tables, 31 give money and have the de- ed, saying this they are collecting as much as they can and eat. Can’t you stop this corruption and unrighteousness? Okay, 32 if someone is sick with fever or cough, having troubles for few days and nights; thinking that the government is there for the poor, he goes to the govern- ment hospital,