The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 281

Salvation Through BORN AGAIN His children, when they die after taking the New Birth, take their spirits into His kingdom in the heaven, 2 God, the consuming fire is say- ing to every Prime or Supreme Courts of justice, and Parliament on the land like this – 3-4 “O Supreme Courts of justice and Parliaments you have to hear the Word of God, the consuming fire very attentively, o Supreme Courts, Parliam- ents, you have to safeguard the holiness and the social values. 5 Why you are the place of imp- urity and injustice? You say that a man should live with a man and woman should live with a wo- man with wife and husband relation and 6 you say that nobody has the right to invade the wishes of such people, 7 will it be the right, justice and truth to saying like that? They had created the natural and holy relation of man and woman; will you make the God’s orderly syst- em as disorderly one? It is writt- en in so and so code and so and so section that the freedom of the human beings should not be sna- 282 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD tched away, so 8 you say that it is not a sin or crime if a man with man and a woman with woman doing the family life; if we do anything in this, it will be doing some harm to their personal freedom – by saying so, you are encouraging the sin with corrupted ways and wicked trend of family system, isn’t it not? Are you not the place of holiness and righteousness?” 9 “Is it right that human beings can be like the beasts? Is it civili- zation that men can live with men and women can live with women as wife and husband? Is it a sig- nal for the development of the human race? Are these symbols of the development of knowle- dge? This type of sins will lead to the destruction, isn’t it right? 10 ‘O Supreme Systems of Justice giving judgments from the side of God, o Parliament systems who constructed the constitutions; will you increase these extreme sins like in the country, develop them and will you sing the final song (goodbye) to the human race? 11 If not, do you sing the final song to the opposite system of Salvation Through BORN AGAIN the natural system and save the human race? 12 Hear the Word of God, the consuming fire; wake up and save the human races. 13 Do you support the sins, evils, and wickedness? Alas, alas, alas! 14 “First, is it written in the con- stitution or law you have learnt that doing undo things of men wi- th men and women with women can be done? You have elimina- ted the prostitution and adultery; will you promote such extreme sins like this? Alas, alas, alas. 15 ‘You have to root out the wa- ste plants that will spoil the plants of crop that gives food grains to us, 16 if you put these waste plants in a heap and putting fire to them, will there be any harm to the plants of the food grains? Or will there be any loss to the farmer? 17 By doing so, the crop will be better and there will be benefit to the farmer, isn’t it right? 18 O prime courts of justice and Parliaments, will you escape from the judgment of God, the cons- uming fire? By encouraging the undo things of men with men and women with women, 283 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD 19 you will be spoiling the sys- tem of the God and you are being used in the hands of satan as the instrument, is it right?” 20 “By saying that the people who are pleading like that are the lawyers and justices and ministers and members of Parli- ament, 21 do you spoil the systems of the human races? O prime court of justice and Parliaments, is it fitting for you? 22 As it is written vain that - “therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts to dishonor their bodies among themselves, 23 who exchanged the truth of God for the lie; and worshiped and served the creature rather than the creator, 24 for this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is aga- inst nature. 25 Likewise also the men, lea- ving the natural use of the wo- man; burned in their lust for one another, men with men commi- tting what is shameful; and recei- ving in themselves the penalty of