The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 277

Salvation Through BORN AGAIN here, 62 – ‘giving bribe is crime, corru- ption and illegal, it is known thr- ough some code and some sec- tion in law, isn’t it? You may say so. 63 ‘Now hear what God, the consuming fire is saying, 64 that is – if someone who is the official or someone who has to serve the people says that if you do not give the bribe, your file (work) will be kept aside; if you do not give the bribe, your name will be removed, or more than that, 65 if you complain on me that I am asking bribe; I will see how to manage you- like this if he frightens you, how a common man can stop or control such pe- rson? They should have proper understanding about the laws and about the strength of the courts. 66-68 Somebody says that God has not defined what is meant by the bribe? God, the consuming fire is saying like this for such persons - “as per the will of the one God, in the country of dem- ocracy , if a person is elected or appointed as per the constituti- ons and systems for the service 274 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD of the people of the country, whether he is a political leader or the government employee; they have to accept the salaries for the profession (the respon- sibility of the post) decided by the government or constitutions and if they do not deliver his ser- vices (service given to the nee- dy) to whom he has to do (wor- ks to be done) so, if he shows laziness and late to do the job; if he shows greed to get something (even one Pisa) from the service receiver, that has to be termed as the bribe or corruption, isn’t it?” – this is the Word of God, the consuming fire. 69 God, the consuming fire is saying like this – “there is a proverb that SATHYMEVAJ- AYATE (the Truth wins) in saying, why this is not appearing true? Is it not true that the courts are there to do justice to truth, righteousness, dharmam, justice, loyalty, honesty, power, love, mercy, affection, kindness, co- mpassion and such things? 70 For one day work taking one week, for one week work taking seven months, for seven months work taking seven years, the Salvation Through BORN AGAIN oppressed are made to wander around the courts. 71 The poor and the human be- ings is losing confidence on the courts. Is it good? The courts should have the confidence of the people, is not it right? 72 ‘Who is getting flat with the physical knowledge, having the main aim of earning money, being called as the justices and lawyers, 73 if he does not do justice to people by standing in the side of righteousness and justice, how big he may be, 74 you have to remember the truth that such persons and all his families also will be made to stand before Me and My court in the heaven for final judgment” - says God, the consuming fire. 75 “Someone who gets escaped from the worldly courts, however great he may be, let him be the richest, let him be the political leader, justice or the lawyer, or the ruler, 76 they will be made to stand be- fore My white throne in the hea- ven for the final judgment - except the ones who are Newly Born. 77 All the rest of the people will 275 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD be put thrown with tied their legs and hands into the perpetual lack of fire burning forever and ever” – this is the Word of God, the consuming fire CHAPTER 125 Church Mingled with Dead Works GOD, the consuming fire says, to His church which is unto the end of the earth like this - O church, 3-9 one among you is asking like this - if God reveals with the help of His word that is, after Born Again (the new birth is to be forgiven our old sins by the Lord), Holy Spirit revealed thr- ough Paul about the repentance from leaving the dead works and laying in the fundamentals, to the foundation of the elem- ents, 10-13 So, God, the consuming fire says, like this- Dear church, you should be without spot, wri- nkle or any such thing but shou- ld be holy and without blemish, be glorious standing before the Lord. Must be cleansed and made holy by the washing of the regeneration by the Word, and by the blood of Christ redee-