The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 275

Salvation Through BORN AGAIN teachings to the teachers, a tea- cher to the students and the conf- idence and boldness to those who are pleading in the side of the justice. 12 That is the helping strength to those who does the justice and helper to those who speak the truth. 13 O Supreme Courts, o chief justices; all of you should hear this. 14 The judges are appointed in the place of God the courts of justice are like the heaven the people (some of your poets) are saying like that, 15 what the people are saying is right. That is – didn’t you hear that God, the consuming fire said that, God is one who gives the great judgments? And justice on this land?” 16 “Then, do any of the activities of the corruption (taking the bri- bes and looting) take place in the heaven where God and the ang- els live? 17 Does God encourage the corruption? Does anybody from the angels ask for the bribes and change bad in to good, truth as untruth and illegal as legal? 270 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD 18 ‘Is not this right that the accu- sed who has fallen and his foll- owers only ask for the bribes, is it not correct that only evil spirits will do the truth as untruth and justice as injustice? 19 O Supreme Courts! Why you and every high court in every state, every district court in eve- ry district and the regional courts in every region are filled with corruption? 20 ‘O Supreme Courts, the poor and the wretched man thin- ks that I will get the justice in the courts of law and approac- hes you for the justice, 21 but as he approaches the court of justice, he has to make his pockets empty; he becomes poorer and returns from the cou- rts, why it happens? 22 ‘O prime courts (Supreme Courts),o High Courts in the states; the other courts working under these courts, 23 what stands in you as it sho- uld be? Are you the places of truth and justice? Or are you the places of untruth and injustice? 24 What for you are the refuges and asylums? Are you the asyl- ums the holy, purity and truth? Salvation Through BORN AGAIN Or are you the asylums of unholy, untruth, injustice and corruption?” – This is the Word of God, the consuming fire 25 II And God, the consuming fire is asking like this – “O prime (Supreme) court of justice, why the other courts under you are filled with corruption, untruth and injustice? 26 If a poor person comes to the court of justice for justice, what is happening? Starting from the one who calls with the name and one who writes the documents, 27 including one who pleads (the lawyer) in the side of the oppre- ssed; all are looting the oppressed in different stages and drinking his blood like the leeches, how that person can live? 28 Starting from the throne whe- re the judges (justices) to outer gate of the court, everywhere, 29 the corruption is flowing, how the justice can take place in the lives of the oppressed? Did you know as God has said in his book of Holy Scripture by the prophet Amos, that is – “But let justice run down like water, and righteousness like a mighty stre- am”? – this is the Word of God, 271 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD the consuming fire. 30 II And God, the consuming fire is saying like this – “Is it right that those who come to the po- wer and appointed as the polit- ical leaders as members in the Parliaments are corrupted and encouraging the injustice and lies? 31 Is it right that such people appointed as the rulers? One who rules the people should not be selfish; unjust and one who misuses the public money, 32 he should not be giving false promises, feeding the laziness in the people; he should not be ch- eating the people with the false promises. 33 Creating different types of allurements and temptations in the people for the sake of votes in elections; doing several sins like giving the money, liquor, encouraging the prostitution and like that doing other sins, 34 can’t you stop those dry promising leaders who want to have the power always?” – this is the Word of God, the consu- ming fire. 35 II God, the consuming fire is saying like this – “In every