The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 271

Salvation Through BORN AGAIN knowledge, they can enter hea- ven more easily.’ 8 I, God, the consuming fire, asks you – “you say that this is thous- and years of Christ rule. 9 If so, the wolf should have fell- owship with sheep during thou- sand years of the Lord’s reign? 10 Should the leopard sleep with goat? Did anyone bring news that a small boy is tending the calf, lion and ox together?’ 11 Will there be no joy when co- ws and bears eat and stay toge- ther? 12 Is a Lion eating grass like ox? Is milk drinking baby playing with snake den?Is the baby,who stopped drinking milk, stretch- ing his hand at the snake’s den? 13 You babbling that this is thou- sand years of Christ reign. If so, what about sins, injustices and evil thing which are taking place now on this earth?’ 14 ‘Will there be murders in the Lord’s reign? Are the drugs and wines (wine shops) sold during the reign of Holy One? What is the reason for sorrow and lame- ntations on this earth? 15 Who is the main person beh- ind all these murders? Why there 262 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD is difference of wise and fools, rich and poor?’ 16 ‘What is the reason for bom- bs, which are found to destroy each other, and the human lives, which fall away like the water bubbles? 17 Who is the reason for immo- ral things which drag the youth? Who is the merchant behind developing the business of adul- atory? 18 Who is spreading the weeds (the false preachers) like you? 19 You, who preach that thous- and years of Christ reign is not literal and but only spiritual, and your followers are blind. Oh blind men, go down into the pit.’ 20 Like the reed is blown away by wind, so also you will be cap- tivated in the upcoming judgm- ent. You, your families and all your followers 21 will be sent into the lake of fire and brimstone forever wood for fuel”– this is the Word of God, the consuming fire. 22 II The Word of God, the co- nsuming fire, came to me on nineteenth of April month and said like this – “There are false preac-hers who say that there is no use Salvation Through BORN AGAIN of Old Testament. 23 It is cancelled completely in Christ. The psalms and proverb are only useful. 24 ‘Not only that, there is no use of musical instruments about which God mentioned in Amos. We belong to the church of Christ, which is the New Testa- ment Church. 25 They say that there is eternal life only by believing in Christ. And Christ alone started that church. 26 ‘They say that our church only is the church of Christ as He said that I will build My church. Moreover, they reject Moses and the prophets.’ 27 Oh sons and daughters of Evil one, who reject the Old Testa- ment and drag My children who- se name are in the book of life to hell, 28 I, God, the consuming fire, says about such groups – “Oh sons and daughters of Evil one, how can you enter the heavenly kingdom of God? 29 Doesn’t one enter heaven by being Born Again? You are stimulated by fleshly desires. You are the temple for the works of 263 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD the devil of dead works. You are saying we are the only church of Christ, 30 I will throw you, who says that we are heirs of heaven and deceived by devil and your father into the lake of fire and brimstone. 31 “On that day, you will know who belongs to the church of Christ and who is in the rapture group’s, and belongs to the gro- ups of the Born Again. 32 Afterwards, I will throw you and your father into the eternal fire and brimstone” – this is the Word of God, the consuming fire CHAPTER 121 WORD of God, the consu- ming fire, came to me – “Did you see? They preach people to participate in the body and blood of the Lord and Passover festival on the day of Lord’s resurrection along with church. 2 They transgress the order wh- ich I said through Moses, pro- phets and apostles. 3 They run into their destruction by their own wisdom and dest- ructive knowledge.” Therefore, your God, the consuming fire,