The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 257

Salvation Through BORN AGAIN word ‘gospel.’ He was thinking that the gospel is his news and he was preaching with jumping and jumping without knowing the definition of the words.” 15 I, God, the consuming fire, says about such men – “Oh ear- th, be opened. Oh sea, roar with waves. Oh sky, throw fire from heaven upon him like it fell in the days of prophet. 16 Son of the devil is writing the gospel of Christ as his own gosp- el. Oh sons of the Satan, can you write the gospel of Jesus as your own gospel? 17 Oh son of the thief of glory, who thefts the glory, I will deci- ded and thrown you forever into the lake of fire for writing like that and robbing My glory and pri- vileges” – this is the Word of God, the consuming fire CHAPTER 116 The Unsaved Church elders WORD of God, the consum- ing fire, came to me and said like this – “When I commanded me to go a place He sends me, I went there. 2 After I went there, I observed this – that is a group which is filled with dead bodies. 234 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD 3 The Spirit of God showed me clearly that people among them were conducting elections to ap- point the elders. They rejected the authority of the Holy Spirit by following the methods of men. 4-6While I was observing that, the Word of God, the consum- ing fire,said to me like this – God, who builds and breaks and root out what is built, says about these groups–“Oh groups, woe to you. You are not doing things like apostles through whom My Spirit worked. You are follow- ing the methods of men for the work of God to be done on earth by rejecting the heavenly design according to your desire. You are appointing the elders by worldly methods. Woe to you. Woe to you.” 7-8 How can you escape such a terrible hell by transgressing the order of My word? If one studies in the Bible College and comes to you with a degree, he will become your preacher. You are accepting someone as a pre- acher who is born of blood, will of the flesh and the will of man. Yor are accepting some one as Salvation Through BORN AGAIN a preacher who has come with musical instruments. 9 You are appointing someone as an elder of the church who can’t lead his own family and children? 10 How can one rule the church when he can’t rule his own hou- sehold? Can a man like Ahab, who was sold into the hands of a woman Jezebel, be appointed as an elder and preacher in the church? 11 Can a drunkard be a church elder? Can a man, who eat pan like a goat which eats every tree, be a church elder? Can the adul- terous, immoral, lovers of money, lovers of popularity and author- ity be appointed as the church elders and preachers? 12 Alas groups, woe to you. woe, woe, woe” – this is the Word of God, the consuming fire CHAPTER 117 GOD’s word, the consuming fire, came to me on fifteenth of second month in the year of two thousand and ten and said like this – 2 “The Lord commanded me to go to a place which I shows you. Then I was obedient to the com- 235 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD mand of the Lord and was walking through the streets. 3 The Lord said - go into a tem- ple which is opposite to you. Then I went into the temple and sat there as one among the peo- ple to listen to the word of God. 4 As I was eager to listen to the Word of God, a preacher stood up and opened the Bible which is in his hand and said like this - 5 ‘Oh saints, the only one book among all the books of the Bib- le, which is in our hand, is the book of God. 6 And that is – the book of Acts. He preached that we don’t need any other books. 7 Then the Spirit of God took me from there to another temple which is at the cross road. 8When I was observing there, a preacher stood up and preac- hing like this – ‘Oh children of God, we don’t need all the bo- oks of the Bible which is in our hands. 9 He was preaching that only the gospel of Luke is the book of God and he was deceiving the innocent sheep by his prea- ching.