The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 255

Salvation Through BORN AGAIN says that along with the children of Peru, her sister’s (the lion) children will participate and rest in their den. 35 II He, who stands properly in God’s presence, the consum- ing fire (that is in the presence of God) will be able to understand it’s meaning. 36 Therefore, you, as a ruler, sh- ould seek for someone who sta- nds in the presence of God, the consuming fire, so that the mea- ning of this parable may be exp- lained to you. 37 He who ears to hear let him hear what the Spirit says!” – This is the word of God, the consum- ing fire The parable of Eden 38 II God, the consuming fire, preaches about entering the hea- venly kingdom of God. He said a parable – 39 “A King planted a garden of wine and kept the watchmen around it as a fencing. He said – behold, you are free to eat from any tree in the garden, 40 but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die. 1 Gen 4:14. 230 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD 41 If you obey, you and your children will eat at My table and enjoy in My presence. 42-43 But if you transgress My command, you and your childr- en will be expelled out of My presence and My garden. You will not have the words of eternal life but will be a restless wand- erer 1 . 44 Yet if you and your children hear and believe in the gospel and counted as blameless by the Lord (being forgive by the Lord) 45-46 you should know that entering the kingdom of heaven take place by being Born Again like the King who allowed them into His palace to have eternal life. He who has ears let him hear.” CHAPTER 114 The preaching of Witness ONEDAY early in the morning, two men came to the man of God and said – “We both came to preach about the kingdom of God. God told us to go two by two. 2 Therefore, we will let you kn- ow the mystery of God’s king- dom. The truth which God said through Moses is true. That is – Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 3 you shall have no other gods before Me. Therefore, we came out as His servants as God said to Moses. In these days, many are being deceived in Jesus na- me and by Jesus.” 4 They both said – Jesus is only a man. He is a man like us. There is no use for men because of Him. He is like a useless paper. 5 As the way the useless paper is thrown away, so also he is usel- ess. And they took the convenie- nt verses from the Bible and pre- ached.One woman abused to the man of God and went away. 6 They did not realize that he is the man of God chosen by true and begotten God. They blas- phemed to Jesus and the living God. They poured the rain of slanders on His servant. 7 After three days, the word of God, the consuming fire, came to the man of God again and said like this – They are blaspheming the name of God, the consuming fire and Saviour of the world. 8 They compared Jesus with a useless paper.They held the Bible in their hands, they had to block bag on their shoulders. Moreo- ver, they had ties. They said that 1 Heb 7:26. 231 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD we are the witnesses of God (the LORD). We came by saying that we are the witnesses the Lord. 9 They are the children of wick- ed. They are roaming here and there on the earth like their fat- her. So God, the consuming fire, says about such men 10 -“The sons and daughters of satan, woe to you. You reject Jesus who came to save men. 11 You are rejecting Saviour, why? Didn’t your sins are bey- ond count? You are the children of darkness of the kingdom. 12 Your father is a king of the kingdom of darkness. He does things against the Saviour. He released you on the earth so that you may blaspheme the name of Saviour. 13The sons of devil, you are bui- lt by his characters from head to toe. You have his worldly spirit. 14 Is Jesus just joining like a man 1 ? The sons of the devil, is Jesus like a useless paper? The sons and daughters of Serpent, you are the illegal children. Your father is the Evil one. He is Satan.