The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 254

Salvation Through BORN AGAIN visited and blessed them with two lady cubs. 8 These two lady cubs were the dear sisters to the children of male cub. Since the children of male lion is elder in age, these two lady cubs became dear siste- rs to them. 9 II On a appointed day, God, the consuming fire, came as a King into the wilderness for expansion of His kingdom. 10 He came into the den of mot- her lion to prosper her children greater than all other living be- ings. But the mother lion was not there in den. 11 She was caught up into the hands of many thieves and wou- nded him, and departed, leaving him half dead. Her clothes were stripped off. She was left out in blood. When the King saw her, He had compassion on her and bathed her with water. 12 He cleansed all the blood on her. He healed her wounds with oil and wine. 13 He wore a wonder white cl- oth to her which is made of linen. He gave a coat for her to wear. He gave her sandals made with skin. 228 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD 14 He took her on His vehicle to a rich man’s house. He gave her the strong food and that is, cow’s butter milk, milk of goat and sheep,the fat of lambs and rams, and finest of wheat, drink the pure blood of the grape. 15-16 II Because of the best food was given to her; she was healed and recovered her beau- ty. She became such a beautiful queen more than her forefather. God, the consuming fire, decor- ated her with gold, silver and crowned her with a crown of chains. 17 When she saw her great be- auty, she went out for hunting as a great lion. The King left her so that she may subdue many pag- an dens. 18 II The enemy who is bush of thorn observed this lion which went out and coming in his den and subdue, 19 enemies thought to captivate her and take her beauty, know- ledge and power. 20 Enemy sent the bones of pag- an races into her den. Her child- ren were living with those bones and him. 21 She forgot God, the consum- Salvation Through BORN AGAIN ing fire who brought her into pro- sperity. She became prideful over God, the consuming fire like Oho- lah. And she was ready for the judgment along with enemy and thorn bush. 22-23IIThen King came to know that His desire was not fulfilled. He decided to take her sister lion and bring her up like a young lion. So He gave her the strong food and the bread of life and the living water. She became strong. 24 She was attacked many times by her sister which is exalted herself above God and become proud. 25 But by the grace of King, the consuming fire, she became and like young lion mightier than her sister. She was grownup with skill went around for hunting and devouring the children of enemy thorn bush. 26 II The enemy bush of thorn understands that the second lion devoured his children and made him loss. Then he threw the bones into her den as he broke the first lion secret of strength, and victory which is holiness. 27 Her children joined with bo- nes and became unholy with 229 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD leaven. They even joined with the thorn bush. 28 The wilderness and all in it trembled at the roar of second lion. Then the enemy thought to Captivate the second lion. 29 So he inspired all the gentile kingdoms to defeat the second lion which is beloved sister. They are all ready to hang and make fall. 30 All the gentile bones, which the enemy sent into her den, made temples in every street for thorn bush all over the country and filled the den with bad smell with doing enemy works. 31 II The thorn bush thought to bind the lion in a strong place so that her roaring may not be heard. 32 The king thought that if she understood the will of God by not being unwise and be wake- up, such things will not happen. 33 She will participate in thous- and years reign of King along with the children of Peru. She will ready with girdle and proc- laim the gospel of kingdom till the end of the earth. 34 God, the consuming fire which is created the elements,