The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 25

Salvation Through BORN AGAIN with glorious light and bright- ness, which is the mystery of the gospel along with last trumpet 1 and kick the earth like a ball. She put his foot upon the necks of the kings of the earth. 12 As the mid sky deceived of friends, and the angels are watc- hing. His guests will be taken away by the clouds to be forever with the glorious king. 13 He who has ear let him hear what the Spirit of God says to the churches”. The literal preaching 14-15 II One day one came to a man of God and taught him, about the name of God in the Old Testament. But in the New Test- ament, the Son of God name is written differently. The Father’s name and the Son’s *name should be the same? 16 In the Old testament it is said -‘I am that I am.’ But in the New Testament - ‘Savior and God is with us’ is mentioned. 17 So the prophets, preachers and scribes have changed the Holy Bible to deceive others. 18 He taught that -you must ta- ke baptism in that name to enter into heaven. He got into all kinds 1 1 Thes 4:16; 2 Cor 3:6; analysis section at the end of this book; 4 Acts 5:41; The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD 34 of arguments and say whatever they like without being tired like the male yak. They shout very loudly on God and accuse the Savior 2 He sent. 19 The Lord said unto me- “not to talk to the fool and be silent. After the two weeks I met the fool, the word of God the cons- uming fire said to me like this- 20 Do you know His name and His Son’s name 3 ? Do you now, what is that name 3 ? 21 Oh brood of Vipers that, you are disturbing the minds of My holy children – Woe for you! You are raising confusions to My chil- dren, and asks like - do you know the name for which the apostles bore the insult 4 and experiences accusations? 22 You have spread till the ends of the world. You have become drunkards and adulterous. You are living in darkness and blas- pheming the book which My Spirit wrote. 23 Oh sons of Devil, Is there a name for God who is Spirit? Have you never read that God is Spirit? Oh, the descendants of accuser, is the name which I revealed to Moses, ridiculous? Salvation Through BORN AGAIN Or is it revealing My faithfulness? I revealed the name to Moses and His forefathers which talks about My faithfulness. 24 The descendants of blind ser- pent, the seeds of weed, Does your father’s name and your na- me is the same? Does the name of Father and Son is the same? Do men like to keep the same name for the Father and Son? But some of you are calling like that and rejecting the gospel. 25 Oh sons of serpent, do you get the salvation just beca- use you take the baptism in a name? You will not get certainly? Didn’t the apostles preach that it is only by being born again that one can receive the salvation? 26 You are preaching literally basing on the words and you ha- ve become wolves to my sheep. So along with your father and your family 27 Your children and you will be bound and thrown in the lake of acid to be tortured forever” – this is the word of God, the consu- ming fire The gospel means - Christ died for our sins according to the Scrip- tures, that he was buried,that he was *For explanation, see the 1st thing in the 2 1 Jh 4:6, 2 Jh 1:7-10. 3 Prov 30:4; 1cori15:3,4; 35 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD raised on the third day according to the Scriptures. CHAPTER 12 The Nation which is God’s Inheritance YET God, the consuming fire says to the president of America, like this, that is –“Who owns America? Is it yours?Who owns America? Is America owned by those people who are born here and buried here? 2 Who owns America? Who owns America? Who owns America? This is what God, the consuming fire is asking Trump? You may say that America is mine. If so, who owns America after you? Tell me who owns America after you? 3 So, God, the consuming fire is telling about America like this –You all must know that America is not yours or neither anyone owns America. God, who is the consuming fire says that nobody owns America or America belo- ngs to no one. 4 I, I am God, the consuming fire, I am telling about America like this – America belongs to the only eternal God, the consu- ming fire, who can burn and turn