The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 247

Salvation Through BORN AGAIN LORD OF LORDS, AND RULER OF RULERS 19 Out of His mouth comes a sharp two edged sword with which to strike down the nations. “He will rule them with an iron scepter” like a potter make piec- es the pot. 20 He has the thousands upon thousands of ministers. Among them are Seraphim’s and Che- rubs. I have seen so clearly. 21-23 II The time has come for Him to make His church holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word and to present her to Himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. The four livi- ng creatures and the twenty four elders bowed down before God and said Amen. I the disciple of Jesus Christ, have seen this in the Spirit’s vision with the help of the word. 24 Afterwards, a voice said fr- om heaven–observe the resu- rrection of the saints and the things taking place on the earth. 25 II Yet as I was seeing in my vision, all the saints, who are pre- served in paradise, 1 1The4:16. 214 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD 26 And their bodies, which are slept in their burial places, came out as glorified bodies and joined in a twinkling of eyes. 27 The dead in Christ were res- urrected with glory first 1 so that what the Spirit of God said may be fulfilled. 28 Some saints came out of the water. Some came out of the fire. They were rapture into mid air by the clouds. 29 But the devil rejoiced that he kept the saints in prison on the earth. I heard this clearly. 30 I heard the Spirit saying that they had the victory in all these things through Him who loved them. All the saints, who are Born Again, went to the mid air by the clouds so that they may meet the Lord and be united with Him. 31 Since Stephan, the first one, to all the tombs of the believers was opened and they wake up within a moments. All of them had the imperishable bodies in the rapture. 32 I have seen that all these were taken into the mid sky by the clouds. When I have seen these things, I was filled with joy. Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 33 Oh, depth of riches of the wisdom, eternal high will and knowledge of God! 34 How unsearchable His jud- gments, and His paths beyond tracing out! I praised the Lord God Almighty. 35 II I heard and understood a voice saying that the devil and his army were thrown out to the ea- rth to be there for seven years. 36 I heard a voice saying about the upcoming terrible judgment which will come upon the earth –Woe, woe, woe, let the little baby understand it. 37-38 Then my body trembled for all the things which are going to come upon the earth. I heard a voice of the Spirit saying that the time has come, for all the deeds mentioned in the book of revelation which is author of John the apostle and mysteries to be started. 39 When I saw that all these were spoken in the past through His prophet, 40 and that God started the jud- gment in regards to the blood of His son and saints, I praised Him. * The stars are compared as churches in the Revelation. The only one church 215 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD which is rapture all over the world is like the Philadelphia church which has the Born Again experience. That only church is this star. CHAPTER 108 THEN after, I heard a voice saying in my vision that for seven years, there will be the marriage celebration of the Lamb in the sky and the judgment upon the people of the earth. 2 In the marriage celebration, all the spirit beings worked as workers (as servants), the spirit of saints, who waited for the Savior, participated as the soul beings, which says and written like - He who has the bride is the bridegroom; but the friend of the bridegroom, and they are all friends of lamb (spiritual relat- ions). 3 After the completion of seven years of the Lamb’s marriage, Lamb came down to this earth with His wife for thousand years of rule. 4 II Later, the tombs were opened again in my vision. 5 After the participation of the saints in the Lamb’s marriage, I have seen that the tombs were opened and they were resurr-