The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 245

Salvation Through BORN AGAIN hell along with devil who led you into the way of destruction by gi- ving you the momentary pleasu- res. 29 On that day, I will gather th- ose who assisted you in writing the allegations on the Anointed One. I will throw you all into the fire and brimstone. 30 Oh sons of darkness, your heart is filled with evil and wic- kedness. Your flesh drags you for sinful works. Oh mortal son, who’s like the water bubble, who created the earth on which you stand? 31 Oh sons of wicked, who give you air which you breathe and releases out? 32 Oh son of Serpent, who is giving you the food to eat and water to drink? Why do you lo- wing up to fight against Me? Why do you attempt to dishonor My name? Oh son of snake, who created the men? 33 Oh unrighteous son that doe- sn’t know the different between father and children; Oh son of street dog, who was brought up wretched, you are living in sin and enjoying sin by without kno- wing what sin is. 210 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD 34 Behold, I am rising up My hand against you and your frie- nds, who cooperated you in wri- ting against Me, and all who are against My glory. My hand will be raised up against you forever. 35 Oh shameless son, son of naked, and the son of unholy who lives like street dog, I, God, the consuming fire, decided about your children and your father 36 – I will throw you into the eternal fire and brimstone by My angel on that Day. I will hand over you to the eternal prison. 37 The whole world, saints and My angels will know on that Day that I am the Holy God and I came down to this earth as a Son of Man to save My children” – this is the Word of God, the consuming fire CHAPTER 106 LATER, the word of God, who is the consuming fire, came to me and said like this – 2 “Like famine spoils a country, so also the one who takes bribe will spoil the country. 3 Therefore, Anyone can be a part in the truth and life ministry of God, it may be people, auth- Salvation Through BORN AGAIN ority, leader, ministers, prime minister, chief minister, president. 4 It may be the representatives elected in people or a believer or anyone who determined to do God, the consuming fire ministry. 5 It may be anyone who does help. If you know that they mis- use people money for selfish pu- rposes and use the saints offe- ring for self, 6 or take bribe to turn the truth as a lie and a lie as truth, gives money under the table for wor- ks, 7 then you should warn them in the name of God, the consuming fire, so that you may dwell in the house of God. 8 Yet if they doesn’t come under My warning and rebel against as calf which is doesn’t come under the yoke, 9 or doesn’t listen to the words of My servant, you should expel such one from fellowships. 10 You should appoint whole day three nobles to accused for inquiry sincerely about him befo- re God. 11 Since he took bribe, you sho- uld beat him on them except on their neck and sexual organs. 211 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD 12 If women authorities are ca- ught up other than men, you sh- ould do the same also to them. 13 The stick, which you pick to punish them, should not be more than a herd’s staff. 14 If you beat or punish more, he, who gets the blows, may be appeared to you as a pagan and enemy. Therefore, you should be careful in this matter. 15-16 If you follow God, the consuming fire command and do like this to those who encou- rage bribe, turn justice as injus- tice, and drink people blood like animal, you will save your peo- ple, God’s fellowship and the saints from such people and ma- ke perfect. You will destroy all the plans of devil. 17 Be careful that you may not be led astray from God, the co- nsuming fire and His word so that you may not join with pe- ople who take bribes and does the injustice. Those who are dw- elling with Partakers of dark, injustice, selfish and, who likes bribes these are all called about the bribes as a gifts. 18 No one should give the brib- ery money as an offering to your