The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 239

Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 18 “Oh evil children who beca- me preachers, your eyes desire for this worldly honor, riches and fame like Balaam. 19 II Who called you to do My ministry? What happened to Balaam? 20 He wanted to please the ki- ng. So he joined with their autho- rities and leaders. That’s why didn’t he become a blind? 21 Though he was chosen by Me, but because he joined with the political leaders, didn’t he be- come a prey to the sword of My soldiers? 22 II Oh sons of satan, you are the children of your father. The- refore, you will honor your bro- thers. You are the liars and doers of evil like them. 23 You are hypocrites like them. You are the people who desire honor of this world like them. When Lucifer desired to sit with Me, what happened to him? 24 Did not I make a corner pla- ce in Hades ready for him? I stri- ke you away who claim themsel- ves as the servants of God but take refuge in the political leaders and authorities so that you may not enter My glorious kingdom. 198 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD 25 You are captivated by My sword like your father, Balaam. Be ready along with your wives and children for the kisses of lo- custs. 26 I can’t cancel the judgment which I planned for you. Be rea- dy for the eternal lake of fire” - this is the Word of God, the con- suming fire. 27 II God, the consuming fire, says about the children of last Eve(church) who are ready to be rapture by God 28 - “If one sees his children and ask what their mother name is, they say ‘Philadelphia.’ So you are like them. 29 Oh saints who begat by Bo- rn Again and ready to be raptu- re in time of temptation, all of you listen. I, Myself, tell you – I will give you an opportunity to eat the fruits of tree of life. 30 I will give you the hidden Manna which is preserved in the ages. Not only that, I will give the white stone to you which has a new name. 31 Moreover, I will give you the rod of scepter and make wear the morning star. You will rule the nations. Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 32 I will give you the white clo- thes to wear. I will write your name in the book of life. I will give you the refined gold in fire, eye salve and I will eat with you. 33 I will give you all those things which the churches rejected. I will honor you by receiving you. I will have fellowship with you. Do not be afraid. Your delivera- nce is at the hand. 34 Behold, your king is coming on the clouds. He is white and ruddy and magnificent. He is the One whom you should desire. He is the One for whom you are wai- ting. 35 He will take you on the veh- icle of His cloud. All saints will be taken by the clouds. 36 God, the consuming fire, says that he who has ears, let him hear what My Spirit says.” 37 II Yet God, the consuming fire, says about those who esca- ped from the preaching’s of Balaam - “I am the One who say to My angels to honor My children. I will honor him who honors Me. I will reject him who rejects Me. 38 I will honor and make raise you for My glory. I will give you My throne. I will honor you like 199 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD no other king, or minister or em- peror is honored. 39 You will rule in My kingdom as saints forever. 40 On that day, people will co- me to know that I am the One who gives a word and fulfill it and they will prostate before Me” – this is the Word of God, the consuming fire CHAPTER 101 The Call of God to the Country Word of God, the consuming fire came to me on twenty sec- ond day of eighth month and sa- id to me about the country – 2 “If the people of your country you are dwelling which people, abandon the injustice and turn to the God, who is the consum- ing fire 3 I will pour out rain upon your country in a season by season. I will bless your country and your people abundantly. 4 Ham is the forefather of your country people. So they should turn to God, the consuming fire, so that I may make a covenant and much blesses them like as I made a covenant with Noah. 5 The people of your country