The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 232

Salvation Through BORN AGAIN given. 2 They proclaim that their sins are cleansed by baptism.” 3 God, the consuming fire, says about such false preachers – “Oh children of this world merchant, who say that baptism is for mon- ey, can you give baptism with money? 4 You are gathering all the drun- kards, adulterous, thieves, cove- tous, violent men and those who do all the fleshly things. You take their photos and raising your sh- oulders in immersing them in the water. 5 You and they didn’t know what it is to be Born Again. No one taught you as to what it is to rep- ent. 6 Your father is doing the spirits business and is bring the sheep who should be saved. He is offe- ring them as sacrifice by sword. 7 You will have some of these worldly riches, which your father sends. I, God, consuming fire de- cided about you - 8 Those who are appointed for sword is for sword 1 . Those who are appointed for lake of acid are for the lake of acid. Those who are appointed for the furnace are 1 Jer 44:27. 184 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD for the furnace. 9 Those who are appointed for hammer are for the hammer. Those who are appointed for fa- mine are for famine. 10 Those who are appointed for disease are for disease. Those who are appointed for curse are for curse. Those who are appoi- nted for grief are for grief. 11 Those who are appointed for shame will be handed over to shame. You and your children will have all these things. 12 If anyone listen to My call and humble and tremble before Me, I will look at them and will Not remember their sins ever. I will make them as My sons and daughters. And I will write a new name upon them. 13 They will be made as a pillar in My temple. If you rebel aga- inst My voice, I will bring all th- ose things I said upon you and your children. 14 Later, as I strike them and send them to the eternal punish- ment, you will be tortured fore- ver in the lake of fire and brims- tone” - this is the Word of God, the consuming fire Salvation Through BORN AGAIN CHAPTER 94 The preaching of Ephesians THE word of God, the cons- uming fire came to me on twenty fourth of seventh month in my sixth ministry year evening at four ‘o clock- 2-3 Man of God, God, the con- suming fire, says about the Eph- esian groups, who are redeemed from the gentiles, to whom John wrote the warnings. 4 – Oh unrepentant churches which are like Ephesians, Woe to you. 5 You have not abandoned the dead works. You become agai- nst Me, your God. You are doing the things which are gentile’s abo- mination to Me. 6 You became like the Ephesians groups and say that ours is the early church. 7 You have tested those who are not apostles like the early church. You have been captivated by their deceitful words by not finding out that they are liars. 8-9 You have given your love to your preachers instead of giving to Me. Did your preachers shed blood for you? Is it not the Savior who shed His precious blood for 185 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD you? Is it not the Savior who carried the burden of your sin? You have given love, which I sh- ould be getting, to the men of dust. 10 Then what happened to love which should belong to Me? Where is the honor that belongs to Me? You have led astray by giving love and honor to men which should be given to Me. If I am your master, then where is My honor? Doesn’t a son honor the father? 11 Did any preacher shed his blood for you? Can sinner have salvation by men? You only say That salvation won’t come? 12 You have loved people like Nicolaitans. You have accepted his preaching. He was like a star which fell out of the way. He fell down by his excessive knowl- edge. 13 His privileges were more. Therefore, he fell as a apostate like the morning star. 14 There are men who lust for authority among you like him. I have appointed the same judg- ment to his people like the judg- ment given to main Cherubim and Nicolaitanes.