The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 231

Salvation Through BORN AGAIN captivated in your trap of hypo- crisy? 10 I will call My own sheep by name 1 . I will give them Manna full of their stomach and I will le- ad them to the springs of living water. 11 You, who went to catch My sheep, wore the sheep clothing outside but are wolves inside. Therefore, when I command My dogs, which are keepers of My sheep’s, they will tear you. 12 Afterwards, I will throw you into the eternal lake of fire” - this is the Word of God, the consum- ing fire 13 II God, the consuming fire, came to me and said like this – “You have taken the baptism for my sake. 14 Your God, the consuming fi- re, says about those baptizers who reject My word and say that Your baptism is my baptism – 15 Oh blind preachers, your eyes are physical. Your eyes are not enlightened. 16 The god of this age has blin- ded your spiritual eyes. Have you not understood what My Spirit said that - all that it should be done to fulfill the righteousness? 1 Jh 10:3 2 Jh 8:6. 182 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD Oh blind men, what do you pre- ach? 17 You will be judged according to your words as guilty on that day. 18 You will be judged 2 accor- ding to My word which I passed on to your hand. On that day, My words will judge you. 19 Listen to My voice and dec- orate yourselves with humility. If you observe My word and do according to My word by being Born Again, you will enter My kingdom. 20 If you rebel against My word and the apostles doctrine, your words will lead to judge you. 21 I, Myself, gave a word that, you will be swept away like a name written on the sand swept by a flood” - this is the word of God, the consuming fire CHAPTER 92 YET God, the consuming fire, said to me – “Oh preachers, 2 Who make people to be imm- ersed as dipping bird straightly one time for the Father, second time for the Son and third time for the Holy Spirit, 3 I controversy with you. How many times do you die? Is it for Salvation Through BORN AGAIN three times? 4 Do you live for three times? You will live a disastrous life and dishonored life more than a tree which died twice and plucked out. 5 You may say to Me that – three times immersion dipping is sym- bolical to the death and resurrec- tion in the flesh, life and spirit. 6 If so, listen – the word puts a crime on you that whatever is not of faith is sin. 7 Who will save you from the condemnation of the word? How many times the anointed Savior was immersed in water for bapt- ism? 8 How many times did He tell to take the baptism? Is it not only one time? How many times the anointed savior died? 9 Did He die for three times? Is it written anywhere in the book that He was resurrected for three times? 10 I, Myself, condemn you and say about you are wretched of faith, oh apostate, who say Amen, Amen, Amen and loudly shout in the streets. 11 Did write in the word of God in any place to say Amen, Amen, 183 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD Amen for five times? 12 You are birds of the sky whi- ch makes dwelling places in mustard tree because you are dishonoring My name, My stat- ues, My commands by immers- ing for three times as a dipping bird? 13 I know you and your deeds very well. They are written in My book with iron pen 14 If you listen to My preaching and humble yourself by being Born Again, and live according to My word, I will forgive your sins. Though you search them, you will not find them. 15 I will remove your transgre- ssion far from you. I will write a new name on you. 16 If you rebel against Me, I will catch you with a trap, as hunter hunting for dipping bird’s then after throw you into the lake of fire” – this is the Word of God, the consuming fire CHAPTER 93 THE Word of God, the consuming fire, came to me and said - “There are false preachers who give baptisms for money and immerse people in water and say that their sins are for-