The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 230

Salvation Through BORN AGAIN and compassionate God and I am the One who called Abraham and expanded the apostles till the ends of the earth” –this is the Word of God, the consuming fire. CHAPTER 90 ON the twenty eighth day eve- ning at five ‘O clock, the Word of God, the consuming fire, came to me and said like this - 2 “There are preachers who stir up the body by stimulating music and dragging the spirit into the lake of fire. 3 They encourage them to shout and jump half acre with claps in until they receive power from above by listening to the music of the devil which is one acre dark preaching’s. 4 Your God, the consuming fire, says about such preachers – “Oh apostate preachers who make jump for baptism, Woe to you. 5 You are the children of blind serpent. Your father is the dragon. Your father is turned as the dra- gon and you will be born as the flesh of mud. Before he was app- ointed for hell, he used to play the music. 6 You are spoiling the minds of 180 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD My children by sinful music. You make them to dance like mon- keys to the point of clothes being stripped off and you rejoice in that. 7 Your mother is Sardis and you have a name that you are prea- chers but you are dead. You are committing your father’s deeds from the beginning. 8 Therefore, if you listen to My call and turn to My word by be- ing Born Again, I will rejoice and give My teachings. I will pour My Spirit upon you. 9 The way will be taught to you. If you rebel against My word and preaching and without Born Again, 10 And if you break the knees as ass of those who came to he- lp, I will strike your clothe with rust on that day. 11 As I throw you in fire, you will suffer with jumping eternally in the lake of fire like green lea- ves in fire make noise and as gnashing their teeth” – this is the Word of God, the consuming fire 12 II God knew the deceitful music of Lucifer and says about the men of truth who came from Salvation Through BORN AGAIN them – “Rejoice. Rejoice in My Spirit. 13 I will make you to rejoice in the peace of the Holy Spirit. You will have freedom, friendship with righteousness. 14 As I wear you the Holy as your cloth, I will make you to par- take in the peace of the holiness. 15 You will be the heirs in My peace. They will have a name that they are the children of God of peace. The peace and joy will be given to their fists as measure. 16 They will be Born Newly; therefore, they will become a part in new earth and new heaven. 17 All My people will come to know that it is I who does all the- se works in at the appointed sea- sons”– this is the Word of God, the consuming fire CHAPTER 91 YET God, the consuming fire, spoke to Me. There are preach- ers who preach that people shou- ld be baptized in the name of the Father, in the name of the Son and in the name of the Holy Spirit 2 They trouble My children mind by asking ‘what is a singular name for the Father, Son and Spirit?’ So God, the consuming fire, says 181 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD about such children of the de- bater - 3 “Do you put a name Me as the Spirit? The name, which I gave it to Moses, is not about My existence condition but abo- ut My faithfulness? 4 Have you not found in My holy Bible in which My Spirit spoke to Moses and prophets in different times? 5 The children of debater, you are rebelling by arguing with My Spirit. Who created the human languages? 6 Who disturbed the men at the Babel tower? Who gave the la- nguages according to their rac- es and places and learn? 7 Who gave a human voice to the donkey? What will My rela- tional name reveal other than the relationship? Is it? 8 Is not written in your book that I have become one of you? You are spoiled. Like your father deceived the first men in the Garden of Eden, you are also coming like the locust to deceive My children. 9 I will save My children from the magical knowledge? Will I not deliver My sheep who are