The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 227

Salvation Through BORN AGAIN ishness and have come from the human heart. 22 They call the evil spirit as Holy Spirit by not knowing My Spirit. They blaspheme the Holy Spirit by considering Him as the evil spirit. 23 They are being deceived by believing that speaking some unknown language like sarabara sarabarabara sarabarabara sarabarabara is from Spirit. Like a serpent kills her New Born snakes to satisfy her hunger, 24 So also they are also decei- ved by their father, the evil. They rebelled against Me by not being Born Again and live a life against My word. 25 Therefore, I will bind such pr- eachers and people in eternal hell which is a dwelling place for the evil spirits. 26 II They questioned ‘is God Trinity? Or One?’ by not kno- wing the majesty in My triune God. They portray Me, the only one God, as three gods. 27 I decided about the apostate preachers who argue by not kn- owing the greatness in My Divi- nity – 28-29 They are arguing about 174 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD the things which they should believe. So I bind them in the lake of acid which will be as food to them. Then all My ch- ildren, who are saints, will come to know that I am the only one God and I will give birth to My children and I came to the ma- nger to save the sinners the sa- vior of love. 30 And that I am the comforter who will comfort the My people in their sorrows” – this is the Word of God, the consuming fire CHAPTER 88 THE Word of God, the cons- uming fire, came to me in the morning and said like this - 2 “The scripture says explicitly that being counted by the Lord as blameless is the New Birth. 3 There are preachers who say that Lord can’t speak and He will not speak with men. 4 They say that if there is anyone who heard the voice of the Lord, he should come before me. The- y speak the arrogant words. 5 They deceive people by tricky preaching’s. Though they don’t know what it is to be Born Ag- ain, Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 6-7 ‘Yet they reject My saints, who are Born Again, and My pr- eachers whom I appointed. They accuse them. So I, God, the con- suming fire, says and decided ab- out such preachers who teach pr- oudly and preachers of Lucifer– 8 I will throw them into the lake of eternal punishment by tying up their hands and legs who are the sons of the proud. 9-10 ‘Then you will know that what I said ‘one must be Born 1 of Water and Spirit to enter heav- en’ which is apostles’ doctrine is true. You will know that I will stand on behalf of My people and comfort them” – this is the Word of God, the consuming fire 11 II God, the consuming fire, says – “God, the consuming fire, says about those came out of the preaching’s on unknown langu- ages like – 12 They will become a part in My peace and they will rejoice in My peace. 13 I will pour out My Spirit upon them in the morning like snow. I will make them bath by My ble- ssings. I will grant My blessings and joy to them like the soil which is wet with water. 1 Jh 3:3,5. 175 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD 14 They will be called as the children of the glorious Father. They will become heirs to My glorious kingdom. They will live as the Spirit filled people. 15 They will have the heavenly joy by rejoicing in the Spirit and by the spirit. 16 I say about those who came out of the groups which teach against My trinity and who going to as ending face. 17 All the gentiles will confess and glorify Me by knowing that they are the children of the God, the consuming fire and I am the only God of the Bible. 18 I, Myself, say about those who came out by breaking the trap of the angel of darkness who came in the form of morn- ing star, they will give light like the stars in the sky. 19 They will have the eternal glory like the glory of God, the consuming fire. They will be as light forever on the earth and in the glory in eternity forever and ever. 20-21 Their lamps will not be quenched. Their name will be considered high among the peo- ple. They will be honored befo-