The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 225

Salvation Through BORN AGAIN given as an inheritance to the arg- umentative preachers, sick pre- achers and the preacher who sear the conscience. 16 On that day, the evil spirits and their leader, apostles and pr- ophets along with you will know that I am the One who punish the wicked with eternal punis- hment” - this is the Word of God, the consuming fire 17 II Again God, who is the con- suming fire, preach to me like this- 18 “They say that the Savior is like this and teach that there sho- uld some image in the mind to meditate with crafty as fox. 19 They install the dust idols and they are saying Mary doing sup- plications for us, she was raptu- re as Lord. 20 They teach she is helping from God. So they encourage people to focus on mud idols. They ma- de sin with the idols. 21 Those who preach of Etrus- can preaching and lead the inn- ocent away from the way of truth. 22 And those who are preach, people to eat, drink and enjoy and we should experience all desires, which God granted, and 170 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD fulfill the fleshly desires. 23 Moreover, they preach the epicurean preaching that every- thing eye see and heart desires and works our hands and legs did should be fulfilled. 24 Those who preach that spirit is important but there is no use of body. So the body must be burnt like the tree. 25 Any things which God, the consuming fire created can harm to men. 26-27 Therefore, your God, the consuming fire says about the stoics preaching’s which teach that man’s body should be tort- ured, it is through self discipline that one can go to heaven or else faith will be broken and wither, the Etruscans, who installed the idols, are like the idols. 28 Their idols will be cut down. Like one cuts the tree with an axe and plucks out the tree with root, so also, their idols. 29-30 Their preachers who wo- rship them and their fathers will be like their idols. On that day, they all will be made as ash. All the devil’s preachers, who say that Mary will pray and supplic- ations for us, will be thrown into Salvation Through BORN AGAIN the lake of fire. 31 All the epicureans who teach people to eat, drink and enjoy by stirring up the fleshly desires will be made like the corpse. Their dead bodies and preaching does will be destroyed. 32 And those who preach that the body should undergo severe torture forbid the things which God created. They believe the bodies in which spirit dwells sho- uld be tortured. 33 Those who preach evil and glorious don’t believe in the gos- pel of cross but preach that one can get salvation by deeds. 34 On that day, as My saints who are Born Again, and you see, 35 that they and their preaching’s will be consumed by God, the consuming fire of eternal fire, like one picks up sticks for burning for ash and keep watching” - this is the Word of God, the consum- ing fire. 36 Yet God, the consuming fire says about His children who are deceived by the twisted preach- ing’s, myths, epicurean preachin- g’s stoics and intoxicating pr- eachings – 37 “Make your doors strong. 171 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD Listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit that says to close your do- ors for all such preachers and preaching’s. In order to fulfill this, you must listen to the voice of Mine and understand as she- pherd like the sheep. 38 ‘Then I will make you as a town which is built on the strong foundations upon the rocks. But I will not allow you to be stroked by different preaching’s. 39 Such men will be developed like the mustard seed and will spread. They will spread out like the wine, which is planted by God. 40 Same thing will happen to those who understood the twist- ing of the word and escape the enemy’s trap. 41 I will make My throne ready for those who turn from myths. They will girdle the waist and rule forever along with Me and My saints. 42 They will pluck out such pr- eaching’s with roots. When the authority is given to them over the self–willed teachings, they will crush them like dust. They will girdle the waist and sweep them off for their father’s king-