The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 217

Salvation Through BORN AGAIN for light but the darkness is cov- ering. 27 We wait for brightness but we are walking in the darkness. We have difficulty in finding the wall like the blind. 28 I am slipping in the morning, afternoon and in the darkness. I am like a dead man among the good living crying out like the bear, and groaning as turtledove. 29 Though my teeth are remo- ved (mouth was toothless), my hands and legs are with pain, yet I wait for salvation. Yet it is far away from me. 30 My rebellious deeds are bef- ore God. My sins are testifying against me. My rebellious ways are apparent to me. 31-32 My wicked works are known to me. I did not follow God by rebelling, speaking gri- evous things and all other sins. Before you say my heart trou- bles, and tongue talks false, these things happened to me, turn to your creator. 33 Plead sincerely for the for- giveness of sins. CHAPTER 80 OH sinner, confess your per- sonal sins before Jesus, don’t hi- 154 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD ding. Confess and forsake them. 2 You will have peace and joy of God with forgiveness of your sins and holiness. Peace I leave with you; My peace I give you. 3 The Lord says– “I do not give 1 to you as the world give.” So bow down humbly in the presen- ce of God and confess your sins. 4 Make attain the peace and et- ernal life of Jesus, the Prince of Peace, gives as your own. 5 Yet how long will you live as a sinner without the forgiveness of sin? How many years will live you as an unbeliever without the assurance of forgiveness? 6 When you will be counted as blameless by the Lord? When will you leave you sinful life? How long will you do things aga- inst the Lord? How long will you persecute Jesus, and His disci- ples and His children? Are you rejecting the Lord, who was nai- led and spread his hands so that God may forgive you and count you as blameless? How shall you escape if you ignore such a great salvation? 7 If you accept the Lord, your sins will be forgiven. Your life will be changed, and labor and Salvation Through BORN AGAIN heavy laden shall be changed as easy. Your spiritual eyes will be opened. Your doubts will fly aw- ay. Your life will become a bles- sing to many. 8-9 II I, as the servant of Christ that experienced life with Him, say to you – There is no such a great joy and fulfill all the living desires, which created everything than to have Lord Jesus Christ who showed us the glorious Fa- ther which is the real God. 10 He clarifies all my doubts. He gives the solutions for all my problems. 11 He carries all my burdens. He gives me power to overcome te- mptations. 12 He helps me to share my testi- mony with others. 13 He granted me such a privilege to ask about everything in my life, to walk and talk to Him every hour. 14 Will you accept such Lord to- day as your personal Lord and Savior? 15 This is an intercession of a man of God that you may be Born Again and go to heaven by kn- owing the mystery of eternal life. 16 The Lord says - whoever 1 1 Jh 14:27. Jh 6:37; 2 Ezek 3:27. 155 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD comes to Me I will by no means cost out 1 . 17 He who testifies to these thi- ngs says, “Yes, I am coming so- on.” Amen. Come, Lord Jesus. Oh Lord Jesus, come for the second time to establish Your glorious kingdom. It is our intercession on your behalf that the reader may be ready to be lifted up in mid air for eternal life by New Birth Yes, Amen. CHAPTER 81 The Sick Teaching AFTER I joined the ministry, the hand of God, the consuming fire, came upon me on the third of seventh month in the sixth ye- ar. I was caught up in the spirit. 2 When the hand of God came upon me, I heard a voice saying – “Get up and walk in the str- eets. As you walk, I will talk with you.” I was obedient to His vo- ice. 3 I was walking in the streets. The glory 2 of God, the consum- ing fire, who taught me about baptism, appeared to me. His glory was manifested to me. 4-5 He spoke to me and said like this – “Understand his prea- ching. Though I did not send him,