The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 215

150 Salvation Through BORN AGAIN essive knowledge? 7 II We say to defeat– O death, “where, is your victory? O dea- th, where is your sting?” and we sleep by faith. The sting of death is sin. The strength of sin is the Law. 8 But thanks be to God, which given us the victory 1 through our Lord Jesus Christ. 9 The death has been devouring mankind from Adam’s time. Sin- ce the time we are Born Again by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, we can defeat our enemy who is our death. To God be the glory for this! 10 We thank God, who gives victory, through the Lord Jesus Christ. 11 II We know that whoever is born of God does not sin; 12 But he who has been born of God keeps himself and the evil one does not touch 2 him. This is the fifth blessing which we expl- ained earlier. 13 If anyone’s name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown 3 into the lake of fire. 14 Nevertheless we, according to His promise, look for new he- 1 Rom 8:37; 6 Heb 9:27. 2 1 Jh 5:18; 3 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD avens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells 4 . 15 We wait for the upcoming immortal and glorious kingdom by receiving these perfect gifts. 16 As the Spirit of God attempts to speak and convince you, don’t argue with Him. The truth will make you free. 17 God’s spirit can’t strive with man. God says – My Spirit will not strive 5 with man forever, for he is indeed flesh. 18 God destroyed many kings and emperors on this earth whi- ch He created for men. 19 God says in His Holy Bible that He destroys all human king- doms as the Almighty and He appointed a day for the men to be judged. 20 And as it is appointed unto men once to die and after that to face judgment 6 . Therefore, the Spirit of God a controversy with you and shows your sins. He exposes your sinful condi- tion. 21 You will feel sorrow for your sins which you covered by your education, politics, modern cult- ure. 22 One day your sins, which are Rev 20:15; 4 2 Pet 3:13; 5 Gen 6:3; 151 Salvation Through BORN AGAIN covered in Christian religion, will be exposed before the Lord. Then don’t forget that your bo- dy and bones will decay. 23 There is nothing covered, that will not be revealed or hidden that will not be made known 1 . 24 Generally, any man attempts to cover his sin but doesn’t atte- mpt to confess and forsake it like a cat which covers her excreta. 25 He who conceals his sins do- es not prosper. But whoever co- nfesses and renounces them finds mercy 2 . 26 In the beginning, the AIDS and leprosy patients may hide their disease. 27 When the disease become worse, his body and bones will be decayed more. He can’t hide his disease anymore. So also yo- ur body and bones will be deca- yed by sin. 28 II The sins from your chil- dhood are clear before God. 29 Your youth and secret sins are before God. Therefore, I plead you to kneel down and say to the Lord like this - 30 “Search me, O God, and kn- ow my heart; test me and know 3 my anxious thoughts. See if there 1 Lk 12:2; 2 Prov 28:13; 3 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD is any offensive way in me, 31 and lead me in the way of everlasting 3 .” Leave your pride and kneel down before God with true repentance. Then the Holy Spirit will remind you of all the youthful and childhood secret sins you committed like He reminded to Nebuchadne- zzar, the great emperor of Bab- ylon, 32 Confess and repent truly be- fore the Lord. Be cleansed by the holy blood which the Lord shed. Then believe that you will receive the forgiveness of the Lord. 33 The repentance itself is the humility. All are equal before God. God has no special child- ren? If you don’t kneel down, there is yet the pride in you. The Lord will not enter into such prideful heart. 34 Because –”I dwell in the high and holy place, but also with him who is contrite and humble in spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble and to revive the heart of the contrite 4 .” When the Lor- d says it, why to be negligent with pride, why did you say this is a not right time for Born Ps 139:23; 4 Isa 57:15.