The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 210

140 Salvation Through BORN AGAIN father. So he was troubled and he command to destroy some of his servants. All those preached him with false preaching’s, were destroyed by the sword. 24 II As the days passed by, a man came and told him –“Prince, don’t let your heart be troubled. Know that your search for truth is resulted now. 25 Because – All men came to know that you are waiting for your father, the great king. 26 We will let you know the last way in your presence. What we say is absolutely true. 27 That is – If you want to see and meet your father, then you should establish a religion thro- ugh which you should do good works to many. Then your father will appear to you.” 28 Those that were with prince also said that what they said was real. 29-30 He wished to have a relig- ion and do good works by hop- ing that – he will be shown mercy at his last attempt. He was prep- aring himself to see his father. But even after he did this, his religious works 1 were like dirty clothes. His search became like poured The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD water upon the earth. 31 As the time for his death app- roached, one day he heard a voice in an unexpected time: “My son, what are you doing?” Then he asked –‘who are you 2 ?’ 32-33 The voice said – “I am.” He recognized his father’s voi- ce 3 and said ‘My father, when will you come?” He explained everything to his father. He ask- ed him to tell him about the time of your coming. Was I your’s son? 34 The voice said - “I, your fath- er, will come at the appointed time. But you should be ready.” CHAPTER 75 AT the appointed time which the father told the Son, the Father left his glory, honor and servants. 2 He went to a poor couple and slept in a manger with them. 3 The father was preaching about the mystery of God’s kin- gdom, which says about enter- ing the heavenly kingdom. He was travelling in the streets of city of destruction and to meet His son. 4 The great king heard about to His son made a treaty with ano- ther king, named Beelzebub, and was deceived by him. 5 He was cursed and was bound with chains by the servants of Be- elzebub. He was in the judgment court of the enemy. 6 When the great king came to know about it, He came to His son as a image of poor man. He found out about his well being because He was away from him for so many days. As the father was attempting to put His right hand on his head, 7 The prince rejected the king. He said to Him that you are not my father. When the king under- stood it, He went to the enemy king and told him that He is ready to bear the punishment in the pla- ce of His son.’ 8 II Beelzebub said that he will give the punishment to his father on behalf of his son. 9 He said – “your body will be flogged 1 for all the iniquities of your son committed with his body. 10 Not only that your hands and legs will be nailed 2 for all the sinful things of your son committed with his hands and legs. 11 The poison 3 will be given to 1 1 Isa 64:6; 2 Acts 9:5; 3 Jh 10:27. 141 Salvation Through BORN AGAIN Mk 15:15; 6 Mt 27:35; 2 Ps 22:16; 7 1 Pet 1:19; 3 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD your tongue for all the evil talk (unspeakable words) your son spoke, the crown of thorn 4 will be kept on your head for all the sinful thoughts of your son. 12 He received all my chara- cters, that is, jealousy and many more. Therefore the spear 5 will be pierced in your side. 13-14 He wore costly clothes for sinful money. So will you be ready to be stripped 6 ? When he asked the great king, he said to the Beelzebub – this is the hour of darkness and its authority. I am ready to bear all those thi- ngs. 15 According to the command of Beelzebub – his soldiers star- ted to beat the king which is rud- dy, and flogged Him with whips of noise. 16 The blood, which is pure, blameless without blemish or defect 7 , shed from His body. It was shedding like the living water spring. 17 They mocked 8 Him terribly. They removed his clothes and gave Him a red 9 shirt. They spit on His face and struck Him on His beard with their fists 10 . 18 Beyond, they mocked at 4 5 Mt 27:34; Mt 27:29; Jh 19:34; 8 9 10 Mt 27:29; Mk 15:17; Mk 14:65.