The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 21

Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 26 God. When I heard this with my Spiritual ears, I know the pow- er of God who controls all the times and the periods in His ha- nds, who throws the arrogant from the throne and make the humble sit upon throne, I started worshipping Him again. 37 I again bow down His pres- ence and started glorifying Him. He is the great God in all seasons who erect the foundations that are destructed and He is who make stand to fall. His miracles are endless; He is the only God, consuming fire, glory, honor and praise to be Him forever and ever, Amen! CHAPTER 9 Church Rapture Vision IN the beginning, whatever God predestinated to do according to His will 1 is revealed through His servent and prophet - 2-3 I will whistle 2 and gather them. Verily, I shall have rede- emed them. I heard clearly the hiss of the Lord, who is seated on the glorious throne which is above the heavens. 4 I was in a rented house 3 for God’s ministry on the fifteenth, day of third month in the sixth 1 2 5 6 Eph 1:11; Num21:17; Zech 10:8; Deut 29:29; 3 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD year. 5 The hand of God, the consu- ming fire, came upon me I was in the Spirit and I saw the vision. 6 I wrote briefly about the vision which I saw. 7 As I was seeing in a vision, a beautiful virgin was taken up by the cloud 4 from the sea. 8-9 Her horn was the iron and her hoofs was like the brass. I heard a human voice saying to me that her age was more than two thousand years. She was explained by forty strong men 5 . 10 She was with the uncounta- ble army 6 . She traveled more than fiftyfour lakhs seven tho- usand and eight hundred 6 days, that is the counting of the virgin. 11 I heard that there is no one who traveled such a way and th- ere is no one who has such age 6 . 12-13 She has such a beauty that she can attract anybody’s sight. So one earthly king 7 focu- sed on her and tortured and per- secuted her. When he wounded her body, which is like the body of the children, blood 8 came out of her. 14 I heard the words of Spirit saying that she was healed by 4 Acts 28:30; 1 Thes 4:17, Rev 3:10; Lk 10:18, Jh 14:30; 8 Jh 16:2, 20,21. 7 Salvation Through BORN AGAIN the medicine of the glorious and immortal doctor and she was taken up by the clouds to fulfill the desire 1 of her beloved. 15 I heard the Spirit saying that since there is no one who can describe her, but I am describing her. 16 She has a name called ‘Last Eve 2 .’ Though she is older in age, yet she has the more beauty of the beautiful Sarah 3 . 17 She is like Rebekah 4 , who rode up on the camel by wearing the veil as she saw her beloved. She is more desired and persist- ent than Rachel, who struggled for the children 5 and bore the children with labor pains. 18 She is more than Sippora, who satisfied thirst of her father’s flock and who called Moses as ‘king of blood 6 .’ She is better than Miriam who was expelled out of the camp for seven days 7 . 19 In the night light 8 , she dances nicely than bee 9 which dances. She has more virginity than the daughter of Jephthah 10 . 20 She did a sacrifice like Ruth. She made a covenant bigger than Hannah. She has a voice like Abigail 11 . She has hope like the 27 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD hope of a girl in Syria. She has more honor than Shunemite woman 12 . 21 She has more beauty than the daughters of Uz 13 . I saw very clearly in the vision that she has beauty of neck rejected as shul- amite”. The Lord Jesus Christ has a name called the ‘Last Adam.’ We learn from the scriptures that the Church, which is built by Christ, is the Last Eve. God revealed a prophecy in Gen3:14 that the devil, who is also called Satan, will be defeated always by those who are born again. The seed of the woman mentioned in Genesis 3:15 talks primarily about the Lord Jesus Christ and in second sense; it talks about the saints who will come through the New Testament church. There is a prophecy which says that the Lord Jesus Christ and the Church (church means those who are born again) will overcome the devil. The scripture in Genesis 3:16 “your desire will be for your husba- nd, and he will rule over you” is talking about the Church, which is redeemed by the blood of Jesus and will be taken away by the clouds to 1 Gen3:16,Jh12:32; 2 Rom 5:14; 3Gen12:14; 4 Gen 24:65; 5 Gen 30:1; 6 Exo 4:25,26; 7 Num 12:14; 8 Judg 4:4; 9 Judg 4:4; 10 Judg 11:37; 11 1Sam 25:23; 12 2Ki 4:8; 13 Job 42:15.