The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 196

112 Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 12 Won’t any skillful builder make sure that foundation and pillars are strong? The Lord is the wonderful architect (artist)! 13 ‘The God of gods and the greatest wise, who is beyond hu- man brain, builds and knowing His kingdom through His serva- nts in a better way’. 14 Let the reader understand th- at pure water Paul mentioned for the bathing is nothing but the word which has the eternal life. 15 That’s why it is written – “By the word of God all things (hea- vens existed) and the (earth) was formed out of water and by wa- ter 1 .” 16 In other place, Paul said - “He made the universe through Him and sustaining all things by His powerful word 2 .” 17 John said through Holy Spirit – “Through Him all things were made; without Him nothing was made that has been made 3 .” 18 Paul said that Lord will count a sinner as blameless by His word 4 which created all things. 19 He says that the Holy Spirit creates a renewing heart in a sin- ner. 20 The Lord says about the 1 2 Pet 3:5; 2 Heb 1:1-4; 3 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD Holy Spirit-“When the Spirit of truth comes, He will convict the world of guilt in regard to sin and righteousness and judgment. He will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on His own; He will speak only what He hears, and He will tell you things to come 5 .” 21 Convicting the sinner in reg- ards to his sin, righteousness and judgment is the outwardly (lite- ral) work of the Holy Spirit. 22 The reader should understa- nd that it is the two digital numb- ering work of the Holy Spirit to convict and remind sins so that a sinner may confess and fors- ake it. 23 It is the three digital numbe- ring work of the Holy Spirit to create a renewing heart in a sin- ner. 24 When I understood from the book that the three digital num- bering work of the Holy Spirit is to give eternal life to men, 25 II God, the consuming fire, appeared to me and said like this- 26 “God, the consuming fire says about the false preachers who Jh 1:2,3; 4 Rom 4:8; 5 Jh 16:8,13. Salvation Through BORN AGAIN force people to receive Spirit, speak in tongues and sprinkles the water, which are deceived by devil, 27 threatens people that they will not receive the Spirit if they don’t speak in tongues and don’t do like that, 28 God, the consuming fire says that about the preachers – “Oh sons and daughters of serpent that drags the innocent to hell by dec- eiving saying about spiritual gifts and filling of the Spirit without kn- owing its meaning, 29 come, come before My white throne. I will throw you along with your wives and children into the lake of acid with binding your hands and legs by My archangel Michael. 30 Then you will know what the language of My Spirit is? What is the language you spoke?” – This is the Word of God, the con- suming fire. 31 II ‘We understand that a sinner should bath with water of word, from head to the foot so that his sins may be washed away. 32 James said that word is like a mirror 1 because of one can use 1 Jam 1:23. 113 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD the word to remove the sinful spots, and devil dots, upon his life which is his face. 33 II Oh Man, the crown of thorns kept on the head of Jesus for our sinful thoughts. 34 The bitter sponge was given to the tongue of our Savior for our sinful talk with mouth. As we All are led astray like the sheep, His legs were nailed to the cross. 35 The merciful Savior hands were nailed for ransom for all the sins we committed with our hands. 36 A spear was pierced into His side for all our evil desires. The body of glorious king was plowed like a field for all the sinful acts we committed with our bodies. 37 Jesus was oppressed and bruised for all the unjust we did to others’. 38 He was spit on the face for us who hated neighbors. 39 The Lord left His glory and came for us who are poor. He was born in the manger. He made us rich’. 40 Not only that, who can bear and explain His sufferings on the cross for us, the sinners?