The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 191

Salvation Through BORN AGAIN foundation, he will claim himself that he will be guilty in this matter”– this is the Word of God, the consuming fire CHAPTER 52 GOD, the consuming fire, says about the Orthodox – “Oh peo- ple of Orthodox, there is not a single good deed in you. 2 But it is only this good deed in you. That is -‘you said to destroy the images (idols) made by hu- man hands.’ 3 I, God, the consuming fire, say this to you – 4 “I am God, the consuming fire; I will not give My glory 1 or My praise to another or to idols. The whole world should know that I am the God, who is jealous. 5 ‘When I destroy every idol made by human hands on that day, and mixed with dust. 6 My children and the whole world will know that I am God, the consuming fire and Creator.” 7 I, God, the consuming fire, says to the Orthodox – “Oh Ortho- dox, God, the consuming fire, loves you. Therefore, be Born Again and built on a solid founda- tion to escape the terrible judgm- ent which comes upon world and 1 Isa 42:8. 102 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD you. Be ready to be taken by the Lord into the clouds to meet your beloved and put out these thorns of bush. 8 I, Myself, warn you today to obey God’s word and be frui- tful. If you neglect the Word of God, the consuming fire and thi- nk that you have nothing to do with God, the consuming fire then how can you escape the judgm- ent of eternal fire?” – This is the Word of God, the consuming fire. CHAPTER 53 YET God, the consuming fire, says about the Orthodox like this – “Oh Orthodox, you are dragg- ing My children to the eternal destruction. 2 Therefore, behold, I, God, the consuming fire, Myself, lift up My hand upon you and procla- im judgments to you with just. 3 If you are not Born Again now, then I will roll the judgments upon you. 4 If you yet harden your heart to live a stubborn life, I, God, the consuming fire will bring all the judgments and its fruits completely upon you.” 5 II I, God, the consuming fire, 103 Salvation Through BORN AGAIN says to My children who are caught up into Orthodox- 6 “Oh My children, the Ortho- dox deceived you to take you into the eternal fire.” Therefore, I, God, the consuming fire, say to My children – 7 “There preachers deceived you. It satisfied you with the fle- shly things. It led you astray by showing the highest physical bui- ldings. 8 It drags you into the eternal brimstone. It removed you from the Saviour who is without beauty or majesty 1 . 9 This orthodox makes you not to come to the Lord who is reje- cted for you. It is not permitting you to the Lord who was despi- sed and rejected by men and a man of sorrows 2 . 10 It deceived you. It builds a big wall of sin between you and the Lord, who borne our infir- mities and carried our sorrows 3 . It led you astray from the way. 11 Orthodox turns you from the Lord who was pierced for our transgressions and bruised for your iniquities; the chastisement that brought us peace was upon him 4 .’ 1 Isa 53:2; 2 Isa 53:3; 3 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD 12 ‘It led you away and drags you into the eternal brimstone. You all were led astray like she- ep. 13 This orthodox captivated you like a wolf so that you may not be taught by the great shep- herd Jesus and not enter into His eternal kingdom. 14 ‘Lord was oppressed your infirmities 3 He was taken from prison for yours and from jud- gment 4’ . 15 He was made as the sin offe- ring for your sins and carried yo- ur transgressions. He hath pou- red out His soul unto death. 16 ‘He laid His life and bore your sins. You are not Born Again to enter the heavenly kin- gdom so that you may escape the eternal hell’. 17 It is captivating you and tor- turing you. But it throws you into the eternal judgment by not all- owing you to the Lord. 18-19 ‘It deceives you and tak- es you to the eternal brimstone by not allowing you to come to Me your father, God, the con- suming fire. 20 Therefore, understand that it is, I, am the God, the consu- Isa 53:4; 4 Isa 53:5.