The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 190

Salvation Through BORN AGAIN unholy, abused, fornicator, 12 and doesn’t forsake such deeds. Yet he thinks to be for- given from such sin. If he fasts bend his head for forgiveness, will it be useful to him? Is it fa- sting?’ 13 ‘If he has a broken and con- trite heart and yet wish truth in his heart, will his fasting be ple- asing to Me? 14 If anyone doesn’t do like that and acting subtile as fox, his sins will be more and he will be taken to the lake of fire” – this is the word of God, who is the consu- ming fire. 15 II God, the consuming fire, asks those who boast by claiming themselves as Orthodox – “You who claim yourselves as the forefathers of Christians, what do you do? 16 You are doing the dead wor- ks and you are living out of the way. You are celebrating the fes- tivals of Mary virgin, Phillip festival, John the Baptist festival. 17 ‘You do the childish things and fast for them. 18 It is written about them – It is those, to whom the word of God came, will be called as the god’s 100 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD (sons of God). What is the mea- ning of the word which says that they too will die like the others? Does it scriptures not fulfill? 19 Oh apostates, you celebrate the festivals of men and you ex- celled your forefathers. You are ready and running for the eternal judgment. 20 ‘Oh Orthodox, you do the wicked things than your younger sister Catholicism. So you are ready to receive the wrath of God, who is the consuming fire. 21 Oh children of apostate, what do you pray? You may be praying for them, like this-‘Oh God, receive holy Mary into heaven. 22 Further, make Saint Philip worthy to be seated on your th- rone. Exalt John the Baptist greatly.’ 23 You may pray for them. But I, God, the consuming fire, My- self say like this about them. 24 “They will participate in My feast along with My saints. Their names are in the book of life. But I, Myself, swear that your names are not written in the book of life so that you may be thrown into the lake of fire” – this is the Salvation Through BORN AGAIN Word of God, the consuming fire. 25 II God, the consuming fire, speaks. Understand it –“why did you reduce preaching? 26 Understand the meaning of the word which says -‘if they do not speak according to this word, they have no light of dawn 1 .’ 27 ‘At least now understand the apostle’s doctrine and preach it. God, the consuming fire, says that you must the desire the word like milk and divide it correctly’. 28 The authors of Psalms said about the multiple usage of God’s word. Therefore, don’t neglect to preach the word like them. You should know that dividing God’s word correctly and preaching it is a pleasing act to God. 29 God, the consuming fire, asks you–“You are mocking at instru- ments in the order of worship.” 30 God, the consuming fire, says – “Away with the undesired noi- se of your songs! I will not listen to the music of your harps 2 . 31 I will remove the unpleasing songs and I will stop them.” God, the consuming fire, says that “I do not have an interest in the unp- leasing music.” 1 Isa 8:20; 2 Amos 5:23. 101 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD 32 II God, the consuming fire, says to you – “Prepare yourse- lves to worship God in spirit and truth with the holy musical instr- uments and voices. Then I will take more delight in you.” 33 God, the consuming fire, says –“You give so much of imp- ortance for holy greetings.” 34 So God, the consuming fire, says about the holy greetings – “If one is Born Again to be built on a strong foundation, 35 And united in the Lord’s de- ath and resurrection, I, Myself, say that he is worthy to par- ticipate in holy greetings. 36 If one is not Born Again and not united in the tri fold experi- ence of the gospel, 37 And participated in the Lord’s flesh and blood, he will be guilty of My flesh and blood. 38 Then you will know that he, who tramples the Lord’s blood and flesh, will be thrown into the Eternal lake of fire and brims- tone on that day, 39 God, the consuming fire, appointed a day for them. 40 I, God, the consuming fire, Himself, says that if anyone is not Born Again and not have a