The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 188

Salvation Through BORN AGAIN yourself. 12 Oh Orthodox, at least now understand the call of God, who is the consuming fire. Be Born Again and built on a strong fou- ndation. 13 Even if you exalt yourself ab- ove God, the consuming fire, 14 and above the heavens, I will throw you surely one corner into the lake of fire” – this is the Word of God, the consuming fire. 15 II God, the consuming fire, asks about the Orthodox – “You say that the end of the dead is not known until the final deter- mination. 16 So listen – I said that the one Born Again, who are built on the solid foundation, will go to para- dise.Those who die in sin will be preserved for the judgment in Hades. 17 But you have not understood the unchanged truth. I, God, the consuming fire, say about such people on that day - 18 If anyone is counted as bla- meless by Me, the Savior and God, the consuming fire and if he got the forgiveness of sin on the earth, 19 then I, the Almighty above the 96 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD human spirits, says that he will definitely enter the Paradise. If he is not Born Again, I, the She- pherd and the Almighty God, the consuming fire, over the spirits, says that he will go to the lake of fire” - this is the Word of God, the consuming fire. 20God, the consuming fire, asks the Orthodox – “Oh People who belong to the Orthodox, you might have not identify anyone as the representative of Christ on the earth. 21 If so, you all should identify the disciples of the Lord as the direct representatives of the Lord. 22 ‘Oh Orthodox that calls herself as the rightway (accept- ed) Christians, when the so call- ed Catholics say that Peter is their direct representative of the Lord, 23 ‘You are disagreeing with them, it is. I, Myself, will say that what you do is a good thing. 24 Yet, I find some faults with you and they are – “You are not built on the apostles doctrine but Perished like a broken wall. 25 You don’t know at all what it is to be Born Again. Don’t co- nsider anyone as the representa- Salvation Through BORN AGAIN tives of the Lord. But consider the main apostles of the Lord, 26 that is, James, Cephas, John and Paul who are the pillars of the church. Preach the apostles doctrine. I, Myself, ask “are not the apostles of the Lord direct representatives of the Lord?” Yes God, the consuming fire I, My- self, say - they are the represent- atives to the Lord. 27 ‘Now you should recognize that you should be Born Again or else no one will enter My hea- venly kingdom. 28 Be taught by the Holy Spirit about the summary of the Holy Bible. Turn from the false prea- ching’s and turn to the eternal and true preaching of the apostles. Or else how can you escape the lake of fire” – this is the Word of God the consuming fire CHAPTER 50 GOD, the consuming fire, speaks –“Oh men of Orthodox, all of you listen carefully. 2 You, who are the Orthodox, believe that you should fast on Wednesday, and Friday for the forgiveness of sin.” 3 I, God, the consuming fire, says – Is fasting for troubling your 97 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD souls?’ 4 Your fasting ends in quarreling, strife and in striking each other with fists. When you fast you abuse to workers. You cannot fast as you do today and expect your voice to be heard on high. 5 ‘Is this the kind of fast I have chosen, only a day for a man to humble himself? Is it only for bowing one’s head like a reed and for lying on sackcloth and ashes? Is that what you call a fast, a day acceptable to God? 6 Is this fasting wrestling as childish? commiting sins again and again as unclean animals lie in a mud, 7 ‘Is this fasting pleasing to God, the consuming fire when you say ‘Lord, I am a sinner. I will not sin from now on. Please forgive me once’ but end up in doing the same transgressions? 8 How did Moses, the man of God, fast on the Mount Sinai? How did the Lord fast?’ 9 Why do you think Wednes- day, and Friday only are the best days for fasting? Will God, the consuming fire, listen to your prayers and intercession offered only during those two days