The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 185

Salvation Through BORN AGAIN The Blessed Lord 16 II Understand a parable whi- ch, God, the consuming fire, said – “A poor young man got mar- ried. But later, he died. 17 Like a rich and gracious man showed grace his wife and re- moved his poor brother’s blame among the people, 18 So also entrance into the kin- gdom of heaven is.” CHAPTER 47 THE word of God, the consu- ming fire, came to me -“The eld- er sister(the orthodox), had seen to pagans and committed more adulterous deeds than her you- nger(second) sister. She whore the precious clothes and attra- cted the greeks who seek for knowledge. In the end, she sta- rted the friendship with the goat who was a Thessalonica. I came to know that she became unholy before her second sister. They both are living in the same wa- y.The Orthodox defiled herself first and then after Catholic seen her sister and also defiled herself like her sister. 4 She thought to commit more adultery. She kept her mind on their untruth announcements and arguments followed them. 5-8 She argued with Me, God, 90 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD the consuming fire. She learnt her arts and education. She left the way of eternal life and excelled in arguments. And they came and desired to have relationship with her. After she was made unholy, her mind was far from them. In this way, she did pros- titution like pagans and unco- vered her shame. As I was disa- ppointed by her one more sister Oholibah, therefore, Orthodox, so also I am disappointed by you. 9 She does more abominable and shameless things than her elder sister. She focused on her evil things. Moreover, she reb- elled against Me as calf and she does the evil things like which is not ready to under My yoke” - this is the Word of God, the co- nsuming fire. 10 II Oh Orthodox, I, God the consuming fire, asks you - 11 “Why are you led astray fr- om the way? Why did you reject the word of truth as your sister and turn to the myths so that you may go to the eternal judgment? 12 Oh preachers of Orthodox who are called as patriarchs, God, the consuming fire, speaks. When your ears are opened, may you all understand My Salvation Through BORN AGAIN eternal words!” 13 I, God, the consuming fire, says –“You may preach that Holy Spirit came from the Father. It is. Yet understand that God, the consuming fire is united God in Trinity. 14 You should be united in the death, burial and resurrection of the Lord so that you may have Him. 15 Does it please, God, the con- suming fire to live according to the flesh and to talk about Him without being led by the Holy Spirit? Think about it!” 16 I, God, the consuming fire, asks you – “You are following the sprinkling method in three ways. I say to you that you will not have any benefit even if you follow sprinkling method in three or many different ways. 17 Was Jesus Christ crucified, died and resurrected for three times? 18 How many times did the Lord say through His apostles that one must take baptism? Didn’t He command to take baptism only once after sins are forgiven by Him and when he shall have foundation? 1 Mt 19:11; 2 Mt 19:12. 91 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD 19 Oh blind Orthodox, you did more sins than your elder sister, Oholibah. You are ready for the judgment.” 20 II God, the consuming fire, says to you – “Should you not be Born Again so that you may enter the kingdom of heaven forever? 21 The New Birth is being cou- nted as blameless by the Lord after he hears the gospel and applicable, believe in it. Later, he should be built on the foun- dation which the Lord revealed because God couldn’t apply his almighty power upon the sinner. 22 Oh Orthodox, your preac- hers preach that preacher sho- uld marry. I too like this. I, God, the consuming fire, say to you 23 “Not everyone can accept this word, but only those to wh- om it has been given 1 . For some are eunuchs 2 because they were born that way; others were ma- de that way by men; and others have renounced marriage beca- use of the kingdom of heaven. 24 God,the consuming fire, says that no one accepts it except to those it is granted’. 25 II I, God, the consuming fire