The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 184

Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 88 ver and ever into the lake of fire? Are you ready for torture? 3 You will be torture forever in hell along with devil. If you don’t wake up, you will face death. 4 It is a command of God, the consuming fire, to the man of God to write this. How can he transgress the command of God? 5 II ‘Finally, reader, do not be deceived. God will not be moc- ked. 6 He, who sows to his flesh (religions), will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the spirit will of the spirit reap everlasting life 1 . 7 ‘Consider what I say – be Born Again according to the Spirit. Then you will not be born according to the flesh. Therefore, you will not fulfill the desires of the flesh’. 8 The fleshly birth desires against the Spirit birth and the Spirit birth desires against the fleshly birth. Both are against 2 each one. 9 They which are the children of the flesh, these are not the chil- dren of God, but the children of the promise and by the spirit are counted for the children of God 3 . 1 Gal 6:8; 2 Rom 8:9; 3 Rom 9:8. The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD 10 My brethren, those who have religion that is the religion, those who live according to the flesh will not enter the heavenly kingdom’. 11 You should know that Christ is very important. Having Chri- stian religion is nothing but havi- ng filthy rags . The heart, along with, present our bodies should be submitted to the Lord as a living sacrifice.” The New Life 12 II “A solider found a woman who’s living in sin as a liveli- hood. He said to her – 13 ‘I am forgiving your past sinful life by the grace of God and I will accept you as my wife in the presence of elders. 14 He married her in the wild- erness. He got a name among the people. 15 ‘Like this woman, who saved her household and entered the kingdom of heaven by being Born Again, 16 God,the consuming fire, says that the entering the kingdom of heaven takes place.” Salvation Through BORN AGAIN CHAPTER 46 OH reader, what about you? Are you a religious man accor- ding to the flesh? Are you the Christian religion preacher? Are you not boasting in traditions and religion with mudricalu(beads), japatapamulu, archanacharadulu deeds of catholic people? 2 If you are not Born Again, the Lord will say to His Michael on that day – 3 “Throw this devil’s son into the burning lake of sulfur. He is not Born Again. I did not forgive his sins. 4 ‘Before the Lord says this to you, the man of God have seen which people among them plea- ds you by the love of Christ to be Born Again from above’. 5 One may say to me – “You are proclaiming Christ but why don’t you agree with the Christian reli- gion?” 6 ‘Then he reply him - “You must realize first that no religion saves the life and spirit of a man who is destruction by sin’. 7 Where is a religion which was- hes man’s sinful dirt? The religion makes more wounds than intox- ication. It did to him. 89 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD 8 ‘The man made religions are like the dirty clothes as corru- ptible. Like all the dirty clothes are thrown away in the dust bin, so also all the religions are thro- wn away’. 9 Whose religion is great? Wh- ose religion is not great and go- od? 10 Who is great? No one is gre- at. It is written about this – 11 the scripture says guilty on men that “all are gone out of the way, they are together become unprofitable.” 12 Therefore if anyone argues that he will enter heaven by any religion’. 13 I will be the first person to argue that he can enter heaven by Christian religion. 14 But not at all. It may never be. All religions drag men into a pit by their blindness. But noth- ing gained out of them except the waster of labor. 15 Since the Lord appeared in the flesh, He preached the gos- pel to men and said – “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father (to heaven) except through Me.”